Chapter 1: Structure of The Personal Tax Return

1.1 Describe the ITA Section 3 ordering rules formula. How does this tie into Net Income for Tax Purposes (also known as ‘Division B’ income)?
1.2 How do you get from Net Income for Tax Purposes to Taxable Income to Tax Payable?
1.3 Describe pension income and how it is treated for tax purposes.
1.4 Describe spousal support and child support payments and how they are treated for tax purposes.
1.5 What are tax credits?
1.6 What is the difference between a refundable and non-refundable tax credit? Describe the tax implications of some of the more common tax credits.
1.7 What are tax credits that might be relevant to a typical 20-year-old student who is also working part-time?
1.8 Who can claim the tuition credit?
1.9 Medical Expense Tax Credit
1.10 How are charitable donations and political donations treated on a tax return? Why are they treated this way?
1.11 What is the OAS tax credit? What is the Claw back? How is it calculated? Why does it exist?
1.12 Disability Tax Credit