
2.3 What are the filing deadlines for an individual? Why are there different tax filing deadlines for different individuals? (6.4.1)

Arshpreet Kular

In Canada, the filing deadline (i.e. the date you need to file your tax return with the CRA) for most individuals is April 30th.  However for individuals with business income, or if their spouse has business income, the filing deadline is extended to June 15th. This extension is provided to give business owners more time to calculate their revenues and expenses for the year.

The filing deadline is extended for the spouses of individuals with business income because of the potential transfer of the spousal tax credit. You need to know the spouse’s income to be able to determine if there is a spousal credit available. To facilitate this, if either spouse has business income, the filing deadline for both spouses is extended to June 15th.  Note that income tax must be paid by April 30th regardless of your tax return filing deadline.


Filing Date

Payment Date

Individuals without business income

April 30th

April 30th

For individuals with business income (and their spouses)

June 15th

April 30th

Interactive Content

Author: Arshpreet Kular, March 2019

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References and Resources

What are the filing deadlines for an individual? Why are there different tax filing deadlines for different individuals? (6.4.1)” from Introductory Canadian Tax Copyright © 2021 by Arshpreet Kular is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Tax and Tax Planning Copyright © 2021 by Elaine Thompson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.