1.2 How do you get from Net Income for Tax Purposes to Taxable Income to Tax Payable?

Gurveer Brar

After determining Net Income for Tax Purposes using the Section 3 ordering rules, Division C deductions are subtracted to get to the Taxable income (note, don’t confuse Division ‘C’ deductions with Section 3(c) deductions). Then, Marginal rates are applied to the Taxable Income to calculate the Tax Payable before credits. Lastly, credits are deducted to get to the Tax Payable.  This is best illustrated with an example using 2023 marginal rates and tax credits.

Section 3 ordering rules
3a. Employment Income $72,000
Business Income $1,200
+ $73,200
3b. (TC Gains > AC Losses)
Taxable Capital Gains $4,500
Allowable Capital Losses -$700
3c. RRSP Deduction -$2,000
3d. Loss from Property -$4,000

Reference: ITA 3(a)-3(f)

Net Income for Tax Purposes $71,000
Less: Division C Deductions
Non-capital Loss -$6,000 See ITA 109 to
Net-capital Loss -$2,000
Taxable Income $63,000
Apply Marginal Rates 15% for $53,359 ITA 117
20.50% for $9,641
Tax payable before credits $1,976 $9,980
Less: ITA 118
Personal credits -$2,250
EI credits -$150
Employment credits -$205
CPP credits -$468
Tax Payable (after credits) $6,906

Interactive Content

Author: Anthony Au, June 2019

This is a video walkthrough of a tax payable worksheet. Note that some tax rates and credits used in the video may be slightly outdated, but the concepts remain the same.

Interactive Content

Video author (Sam Newton); Source document (BCIT, author unknown).

Video: “Walkthrough of the Part I tax payable handout” by Kwantlen Tax [5:14] is licensed under the Standard YouTube License. Transcript and closed captions available on YouTube.

References and Resources

How do you get from Net Income for Tax Purposes to Taxable Income to Tax Payable?” from Introductory Canadian Tax Copyright © 2021 by Gurveer Brar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Tax and Tax Planning Copyright © 2021 by Gurveer Brar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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