2nd Canadian Edition Changes

Overall changes include:

  • Introduction of a new “Key features:” Making Connections: Classic Sociologists; Making Connections: Sociological Concepts
  • Addition of numerous Open Source photos throughout
  • Addition of new key terms throughout
  • Numerous changes to the text to improve contemporary relevance, update information, add more Canadian content, improve streamlining and clarity

Chapter 1

  • Addition of global-scale sociology to the distinction between micro and macro scale sociology
  • Removal of material from each the founders of sociology to streamline the text of Chapter 1. Removal of Making Connections section on “How Do Working Moms Impact Society?” which was not directly relevant to the content of the chapter
    • New section: Making Connections: Sociology in the Real World: “Durkheim and the Sociological Study of Suicide.”
  • New Making Connections: Sociology in the Real World “Wanna go for a coffee?”
    • Addition of a summary diagram and section: Summary
    • Removal of making Connections sections on “Global Culture,” “Farming and Locavores” and “Please Friend Me” which were not directly relevant to the content of the chapter

Chapter 2

New introduction

2.1 New section: Science vs. non-science

  • New material on concepts of falsifiability and correlation vs. causation
  • New section: Hypothesis Formulation in Qualitative Sociology
  • New Section: Making Connections: Classic Sociologists Harriet Martineau: The First Woman Sociologist?

2.2 New section: Making Connections: Sociological Research The Hawthorne Effect

  • New Section: Reading Tables
  • New Section and Diagram: Summary

Chapter 3

Expanded introduction

3.1 Expanded section: What is Culture?

  • New section: Making Connections: Sociological Concepts “Yes, but what does it mean?”
  • New Section: Culture and Biology
  • New Section: Making Connections: Sociology in the Real World “The Pop Gene”
  • Expanded section: Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism
  • New Section: Making Connections: Social Policy and Debate Multiculturalism in Canada

3.3 Section substantially rewritten to include material on culture as innovation, postmodern culture, global culture and hybridity

  • New section: Global culture
  • New section: Making Connections: Big Picture Is There a Canadian Identity?

3.4 is entirely new: Culture as Restriction: Rationalization and Commodification

3.5 New Chapter summary: Culture as Source of Innovation and Constraint

Chapter 4

New Introduction

4.1 Extensive revision on Types of Societies including expansion of the description of each type of society and inclusion of new section on Post Natural Societies

  • New section: Making Connections: Big Picture People of the Far Northwest
  • New Section: Making Connections: Sociological Concepts The Dialectic of Culture, the Monuments of Easter Island and the Cult of Progress
  • New section: Postnatural Society: The Anthropocene

4.2 Section expanded

  • New section: Making Connections: Sociological Concepts: Marx and the Theory of Alienation

4.3 Section on “Social Constructions of Reality” revised and moved to Chapter 22. Replaced by chapter summary “Living in Capitalist Society”

Chapter 5

5.1 Expanded introduction section

  • New Section: George Herbert Mead
  • New Section: Four Stages of Child Socialization
  • New Section: The Socialization of Gender

5.2 New section: Individual and Society

5.3 Expanded section: Mass Media

5.4 Expanded section: Resocialization

Chapter 6

6.1. Section 6.1 “How is Society Possible?” is new, including new section on “Micro, Meso and Macro Sociology”

  • New section: Making Connections: Classical Sociologists: Georg Simmel and Formal Sociology

6.2. The original Section 6.1 is reorganized and becomes Section 6.2.

6.3. Section 6.3 “Networks” is new

6.4. New chapter summary section: Summary

Chapter 7

7.1. Section reorganised.

  • New Section: Social Control as Risk Management

7.3. New Section: Prisons and their Alternatives

Chapter 8

8.2. New Section: Making Connections: Sociological Research: Please “Friend” Me: Students and Social Networking

Chapter 9

Introduction: expanded

9.2. New section: Making Connections: Sociological Research: Measuring Levels of Poverty

  • New Section: Trends in Social Inequality
  • New section: Making Connections: Classic Sociologists: Marx and Weber on Social Class: How Do They Differ?

9.3. New section: Neoliberalism and Globalization

Chapter 11

11.2 New section: Income Inequality among Racialized Canadians

Chapter 12

New introduction

12.1. The Difference between Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: rewritten and expanded

  • New section: The Dominant Gender Schema
  • New section: Making Connections: Sociology in the Real World: Intersexed Individuals and the Case of John/Joan

12.2 Expanded section: Social Stratification and Inequality

  • New Section: Making Connections: Sociological Research: Is the Patriarchy Dead?

12.3 New section: Making Connections: Big Picture: The History of Homosexuality: Making Up People?

Chapter 14

14.1 New section: The Macro, Meso and Micro Family

  • New section: Making Connections: Sociology in the Real World: How Do Working Moms Impact Society?
  • New section: What is love (for a sociologist)?
  • New figure: Figure 14.6: Very Satisfying Marriages

14.3 New Section: Children of Divorce and Remarriage

Chapter 15

Completely rewritten. New chapter.

Chapter 17

17.1 New Section: Making Connections: Social Policy and Debate: Neoliberalism as Style of Government

17.2 Updated section: Political Demand and Political Supply

17.3. New section: Normalization of Exception

Chapter 19

Chapter re-titled and refocused on the sociology of the body

19.1 New title and introduction: The Sociology of the Body and Health

  • New section: The Sociology of the Body
  • New section: Medical Sociology and the Social Construction of Health

19.2 Introduction expanded

Chapter 20

20.1 Introduction expanded

  • New figure 20.4: Population growth rate

20.3   Introduction expanded

Chapter 22

New chapter. Some material moved from Section 4.3 Social Constructions of Reality in the 1st edition, otherwise all new material.

Corrections Made during Accessible Update

The following corrections were made September 2016 while steps were taken to ensure this book fulfilled BCcampus’ accessibility criteria.

Chapter 1

  • In the image Newton, by William Blake the alt text said “A portrait of William Blake.” This was changed it to read, “A portrait of Newton painted by William Blake.”
  • Also changed was the figure caption , “Figure 1.6. William Blake, Newton (1795).” to, “Figure 1.6. Newton , William Blake (1795).

Chapter 15
The last few figures were renumbered because Table 15.3 was mistakenly labeled as Figure 15.25.

Chapter 17
Table 17.2 was labeled as a figure, so when it was corrected, all following figures were renumbered.

Chapter 20
There was a numbering error: two Figure 20.6s. After this was corrected, all following figures were adjusted.


A number of broken internal links in most of the chapters were fixed.


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SY 125 Introduction to Sociology Copyright © 2016 by William Little is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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