

Curriculum Development Guide

This guide is meant to be used by SMEs to develop their modules.  The following is a suggested template for the module components.  This is a guide to give continuity to the various modules in the course. The components of this guide were designed to be broad and should be loosely interpreted to fit the subject matter and the SME’s pedagogical preferences. Ultimately, I’d like to turn this guide into a facilitator’s guide that will accompany the course and aid those who want to adopt this course at their institution.

Module Readings and Resources*

Required Resources

At least 1 scholarly reading (i.e., journal article or book chapter)

At least 1 media resource (i.e., newspaper article/magazine article/ blog/podcast and/or TedTalk)

Supplementary Material

At least 1 scholarly reading (i.e., journal article or book chapter)

At least 1 media resource (i.e., newspaper article/magazine article/ blog/podcast and/or TedTalk)

*Consider using OER wherever possible.

Module Bookends 

Course Learning Outcomes – At the beginning, include the course learning outcomes that associate with material covered in the module. This will help me when building the course outline in Humber’s system and when uploading the course into the eCampusOntario repository. For example, I anticipate the following course learning outcomes to line-up with the learning outcomes I develop for Module 3.

  1. Use the contemporary tourism and hospitality landscape to assess its future economic, cultural, and environmental vulnerabilities from the perspective of the tourist, industry, and host stakeholders.
  2. Apply critical thinking skills to anticipate future challenges facing tourism and hospitality stakeholders.
  3. Apply design thinking to create sustainable, innovative, and resilient tourism and hospitality solutions that will help manage current and future challenges.

Module Learning Outcomes – At the beginning, describe the learning outcomes that you want the learner to take away from the completed module. The number of learning outcomes is at the descension of the SME. Please see the following resources if you are looking for inspiration in creating learning outcomes.

Key Takeaways – At the end, describe the key take-aways, the main points of this module the learner is to learn and remember.

Learning Activities

Each module in the “Sustainable Tourism Future” course contains instructional elements that are designed to complement one another and to be delivered using a virtual blended learning approach. Course instructors can “mix and match” instructional components to suit their teaching style and learner’s needs. However, it is recommended that certain instructional components such as slide-decks be recorded and delivered asynchronously (by the person delivering the course), while other components are better delivered using synchronous methods to engage the learner such as discussions using online break-out rooms.

PowerPoint – 10-15 slides and comprehensive lecture notes for each slide. Slides are designed to be recorded by the course instructor who ultimately teaches the course and delivered asynchronously using an LMS embedded application such as Panopto, H5P, YouTube, etc.

Knowledge Checks – 2-3 interactive activities using H5P or similar applications that can be used as a means of informal or formal assessment.

Multi-media Content – audio, video and animation content that is designed to engage the learner. Examples in each module may include: podcasts, industry/sector specific interviews, animated content, short video or simulations, H5P, etc.

Discussion Topics – 2-3 topics with accompanying questions to guide the discussion. Discussions can be posted in a discussion board or used in synchronous course environment.

Assessment Tools

To ensure that course assessment is diverse and spread throughout the course, each module should include a means of assessment attached to one of the learning activities that accounts for 5% for the overall course grade.  For instance, a short quiz could be developed to reinforce the material delivered in the PowerPoint or an assessment tool could be incorporated into the knowledge checks. These module assessments will account for 60% of the course grade with the remaining 40% of the grade being comprised of various components of the summative final project. Wherever possible, forms of Authentic Assessment are helpful, please visit these links  for more information.




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Sustainable Tourism Future - Module Creation Guide Copyright © 2019 by Peggy French is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.