
A Guide for Successful Students 2nd Edition is available to be read online or can be downloaded in a variety of formats to be used offline including Digital PDF and ePUB . We recommend that you access this text online or through offline format that can be used with a mobile device or computer so that you can access the special features.

Special Features:

Self-check exercises: we have included exercises created with H5P to give you opportunities to interact with the text material. For example, many of the chapters have a drag and drop exercise that reviews some of the important terminology you will encounter.

Videos: A variety of videos have been included to expand on the text provided. All videos selected have a captioning option and a transcript is included.

Print PDF: A Print PDF format is also available for download, however, the exercise and videos are not available in the print version. When one of these items appears in the online text, a notice will be listed in the Print version with a link to the exercise or video. In addition, links to other resources that are provided in the online text do not appear in the printed text, instead, we have provided a list to the full URL for all links in the Appendix.

The Learning Portal

The Learning Portal from Ontario College Libraries is a hub of resources developed and share by all the Ontario College Libraries. The Learning Portal includes areas such as Study Skills and Writing & Communication as well as Learn Math and Maamwi. We have included a link to specific hub or pages related to the chapter content in our Want More section at the end of most chaptesr.

Unless otherwise specified, all resources on The Learning Portal / Le Portail d’Apprentissage are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


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A Guide for Successful Students 2nd ed. Copyright © 2023 by Irene Stewart, Aaron Maisonville, and Nicolai Zriachev, St. Clair College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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