2 Viewpoints: 2-Point Perspective Sketch

Pre-Drawing Setup: Find a scene or an image you’d like to replicate. There are many similarities between this tutorial and our 1-point perspective tutorial.

  1. Gather your drawing materials:
  • Pencil
  • Paper/drawing surface
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • A reference image or scene. (For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using the photo of _____ named Figure 1.)
  • For this tutorial the author uses the Autodesk Sketching app, but you can use any medium or app.
Figure 1. Reference Scene


  1. Establish your TWO vanishing points with lightly marked dots. They should on the horizon line.
    • These will be your perspective points.


3.  Visually analyze the scene. Before you begin to draw the elements in the scene, simply the scene into basic shapes as shown below.

    • By simplifying the buildings, roads, and paths, into squares, rectangles, and triangles. It will help not to get caught up in the details.

4. To begin drawing the buildings, draw the vertical edges straight up unless a building has a slanted feature. Lead the horizontal lines that would face the street towards the vanishing point. 







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