
Contact Information and Acknowledgments

Contact Information and Co-Author

Michelle Hughes, MEd, BScN, RN, Professor, School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, mhughes@centennialcollege.ca, @hughes0311


Kevin Batoon, BScN, RN

David Beazely, BScN, RN, Toronto Metropolitan, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program student alumni, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Esther Bodach, BScN, RN, Toronto Metropolitan, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program student alumni, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Caitlin Cosgrove, BScN, RN, Toronto Metropolitan, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program student alumni, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Starr Ferguson, nursing student, Toronto Metropolitan, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Kevin George, nursing student, Toronto Metropolitan, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Carol Stefopulos, MEd, BScN, RN


Copyeditor: Jeremy Lucyk, Publishing Assistant, Centennial College Press.

We would like to thank all of the nursing students, educators, simulationists, actors, and filmmakers who shared their personal experiences being involved in and engaging in virtual simulations.

Thank you to Centennial College Health Studies Lab Team for supporting this project and sharing their lab space to host our virtual simulations.

This OER was generously funded by the Centennial College Applied Research and Innovation Fund (ARIF).