
Storyline of the Virtual Gaming Simulation

Every good story has a climax… or two! It may be a conflict with decision-making or an unexpected event. Reflect on some critical events that could occur in your case scenario. Whichever ones you choose, the critical event should occur by the second or third decision point question to capture the students’ curiosity and ignite their motivation to move forward in the simulation.

A realistic narrative/storyline can:

  • enhance the student’s engagement by stimulating interest in the characters and their wellbeing,
  • foster a sense of emotional connection to the storyline,
  • create a sense of engagement in the role of the nurse (or healthcare provider), and
  • immerse the student in the virtual experience.

The narrative is an important component of the virtual simulation; therefore, the storyline should be authentic for the students and at their level (e.g., knowledge, skill, and clinical experience). The storyline should also strengthen and enhance the students’ learning experience of the course content. For example, include clients that they will care for in clinical or medical terminology and equipment that they will use in practice. The authenticity of the storyline will enhance the realism of the students’ learning experience.

Virtual gaming simulations are experiential learning and teaching strategies that support students to become active participants by applying their knowledge while playing the simulation and encourage students to self-reflect on the decisions they make throughout the game. When developing the decision point questions, you want to create a realistic environment that facilitates the students’ clinical judgement and decision-making skills. For each decision point question, it is important to include realistic options, as well as thoughtful feedback, for the student to reflect on before moving to the next step in the storyline or when choosing an alternative option when answered incorrectly.

The storyline in the virtual gaming simulation is important to help motivate the students to engage in the simulation and learn the course content using visually memorable moments. 

The storyline can be enriched by:

  • Creating characters that makes the scene come alive.
  • Using inclusive, professional, and therapeutic language to role-model professionalism — for example, the dialogue between client and healthcare providers and between interprofessional team members.
  • Choosing actors that authentically represent potential clients the students will encounter in practice.
  • Using diverse actors to create an inclusive environment and highlight the importance of representation. You want the students to feel connected and envision themselves in the role of the nurse (or healthcare provider).
  • Creating an environmental scene similar to the students’ real clinical placement situation. For example, use of medical equipment or incorporating moulage for wounds or make-up to change the client’s skin colour for cyanosis, jaundice, or pallor.
  • Choosing a realistic location and environment for the simulation that mimics the real environment. Whether filming, using images, illustration, or wording, makes the student feel embodied within the scene through the descriptive language and visual effects.
  • Filming from a first-person point of view can help immerse the student into the virtual simulation and make them feel like the main character (e.g., nurse or healthcare provider).

Insights from Students

“The nursing VGS [virtual gaming simulation] is like stepping into a real-life clinical experience where observation and communication skills are challenged. I especially appreciate its consequence-driven gameplay that provides immediate feedback and presents how my decisions would impact the situation, seeing how it would unfold. It also incorporates relationship building with the patient and their family which can easily be overlooked when I get too focused on choosing the most appropriate option.

For instance, in the paediatric patient VGS with Adedayo Abubakar-Peterson, a 17-year-old patient, who had a surgical repair was the most immersive experience I had. The case scenario (post-op) was also the closest experience to my current placement despite being placed in a medicine unit. This just shows how versatile and applicable VGS is to real life case scenarios.

The case was similar in the sense of performing the ABCDE assessment on a declining patient and acting critically as a nursing student. This whole part of the scenario applied to almost all the patient assignments I’ve had in clinicals. It also has the component of family/visitor therapeutic relationship that is very pertinent to real-life clinical settings.”

~ Yvonne Zahra Galeon, 2nd year nursing student


Insights from Students

 “I have always had fun taking part in virtual gaming simulations (VGS). Although they are virtual,
these simulations allow you to practice your critical thinking abilities, apply the knowledge you have learned, and gain confidence in your clinical and theoretical practice. The VGS on abuse and violence (Therapeutic Communication and Mental Health Assessment)
was one that really improved my understanding of the material. It provided intensive learning, making me feel as though I were the nurse assessing the patient and providing nursing care. This is essential in our future practice because we will encounter various circumstances and patient problems.”

~ Prince Joshua C. Baltazar, 2nd year nursing student