
Key Takeaways

  • Creating a virtual gaming simulation is an exciting experience that requires developing a strong team, including students.
  • Choosing the right simulation is key during the planning phase and it is important to keep the scenario as realistic as possible.
  • Every virtual gaming simulation is different and requires different support and resources.
  • During the development process, you want to recognize the value and importance of incorporating EDI throughout the development stage (e.g., faculty, students, content experts, production team), as well as reflect on the learners that will be playing the game (e.g., students, institution, community).
  • Knowing your budget will help you determine who you can hire onto your team and the type of equipment, filming, editing, and platform you can implement throughout the development process.

Final Thoughts

Virtual simulations provide an opportunity for educators to create positive change within nursing and healthcare. Educators can design inclusive scenarios that role model best practices in person-centered care. Developing inclusive virtual environments can help initiate the change we want to lead within healthcare and facilitate students to ignite a brighter future within the nursing profession.


Image: Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
Image: Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash