

In this lesson, we have learned about both the impact and how to reduce stereotype threat in our own workplaces. We discovered that stereotype threat can manifest itself in various ways, and can have long lasting impacts on the employees who experience it. We have also learned that there are steps that we can take as individual employees, and as institutions, to begin counteracting this. As we move forward, we must constantly recommit to creating a workplace that is as a safe space for growth and development for everyone.


Learning Goals

At the end of this lesson, I have:

  • Demonstrated the ability to recognize and respond to instances of stereotype threat against Indigenous employees in a workplace scenario.
  • Distinguished the potential consequences of perpetuating stereotypes on workplace dynamics and Indigenous employees’ experiences.



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Stereotype Threat Copyright © by Roya Amini and Catherine T. Kwantes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.