
There are several ways in which information about the College and your program will be communicated to you as well as ways in which you can connect with professors and School staff.

myCentennial Email

myCentennial is your electronic portal to Centennial College information and services such as registration, fee payments, grades, and courses in which you are enrolled. Every student is provided with a myCentennial email account. Your myCentennial account is your official College email account; College communications will be sent to you at this account. Students are to only use their myCentennial email account as your preferred email address for College-related business to ensure you do not miss important information. Log into myCentennial with your student ID number and password.

Students are required to check their email regularly. Staff and faculty will email students important information that may require to follow up and/or response.


Please ensure your personal contact and emergency contacts are up-to-date.

Centennial requires a Canadian telephone contact for all students studying with us.

Communicating with Professors

All Centennial courses have an online learning environment on Centennial Luminate, the College’s Learning Management System.

Log into Luminate with your student ID number and password. You may email your professor from within your Luminate course shell or through your email on myCentennial, as well. Go to Communications >Class Lists to find your faculty member’s name and email address.

Students may communicate with their professors using different mediums, such as email or in person. As faculty schedules vary due to teaching responsibilities, it is recommended that students email faculty to make an appointment or drop in during office hours. Faculty will inform students at the beginning of the semester what are the different ways in which students can communicate with them.

Key Takeaway

Make sure you regularly monitor your myCentennial email account. This is your official email account for College-related business.

Centennial Luminate Announcements

Announcements are an ideal way to post time-sensitive information critical to course success. Add announcements for these types of course activities:

  • Due dates for assignments and projects
  • Corrections/clarifications of materials
  • Test schedules

Activity Stream Notifications
Announcements are displayed in the Today and Recent sections of the activity stream.

  • Most announcements are removed from the activity stream once students view them in their respective courses.
  • If an announcement is scheduled, it will appear in the activity stream at the designated time.

Announcements in Your Course
When new course announcements are posted, they appear as a pop-up window the first time you access the course.

  • You must close the New Course Announcements window before accessing course content.
  • Once closed, the window will not appear again unless a new announcement is posted. If that happens, the window will reopen with only the latest announcements.

Notifications for Course Groups
Students receive both a course announcement and an activity stream notification for course groups they need to join. If you have not yet joined a required group, this notification will remain in the activity stream until the action is completed.

Marking Announcements as Read
To mark an announcement as read, select the circle next to it. Unread announcements will display a notification badge with the number of unread items on the Announcements page.