
School Communications

There are several ways in which information about the College and your program will be communicated to you as well as ways in which you can connect with professors and School staff.

myCentennial Email

myCentennial is your electronic portal to Centennial College information and services such as registration, fee payments, grades, and courses in which you are enrolled. Every student is provided with a myCentennial email account. Your myCentennial account is your official College email account; College communications will be sent to you at this account. Students are to only use their myCentennial email account as your preferred email address for College-related business to ensure you do not miss important information. Log into myCentennial with your student number and password.

Students are required to check their email regularly. Staff and faculty will email students important information that may require follow up and/or response. 

eCenntennial News

Students are encouraged to regularly check the NEWS section in their eCentennial course shells for important course information, such as possible class meeting time changes and special notices from their professors.

SSW Program HUB

The Social Service Worker Program also has an online information and communication portal for all Social Service Worker students on eCentennial. Students are automatically added to the the shell entitled: SSW Program HUB. This is where you will find essential pieces of information regarding different aspects of the Social Service Worker Program. Your Student Success Advisor, Field Placement Coordinator and Program Coordinator often use the SSW Program HUB to communicate important information.


Please ensure your personal contact and emergency contacts are up to date.

Centennial requires a Canadian telephone contact for all students studying with us.

Communicating with Professors

All courses at Centennial have an online learning environment on eCentennial, the College’s learning management system.

Log into eCentennial with your student number and password. You may email your professor within your eCentennial course shell as well. Go to Communications >Class Lists to find your faculty member’s name and email address..

Students may communicate with their professors using different mediums, such as email or in person. As faculty schedules vary due to teaching responsibilities, it is recommended that students email faculty to make an appointment or drop in during office hours. Faculty will inform students at the beginning of the semester what are the different ways in which students can communicate with them.

Providing Feedback on your Courses and Program

The following are some of the ways that you can share important information about your course or program.

Course Delivery Evaluations

Each semester, students are provided with an opportunity to evaluate the delivery of their courses. Filling out the Course Delivery Evaluation survey is your opportunity to provide feedback on teaching/learning strategies, course content, evaluative/assessment methods, classroom facilities, equipment, course materials and learning resources, as well as achievement of learning outcomes for the course. Your professors, Chair and Dean use your feedback to identify opportunities to continually improve the learning experience for students on an ongoing basis. Your professor may give you time to conduct the online survey during class time or you may be asked to complete it outside of class time. Your perspective is important, so please contribute to the continuous improvement of teaching and learning at Centennial by completing the survey.

General/Ad-hoc Course and Program Feedback

You are always encouraged to speak directly to your professor about issues or feedback related to a course. You may also speak to your Program Coordinator or department chairperson.

Program Review Processes

Your program engages in a cyclical Comprehensive Program Quality Review (CPQR) process (approximately every five years). During CPQR students are invited to take part in focus groups. If you are interested in providing input through the student focus group meetings, please send an email to CPQR@centennialcollege.ca with your name, the program title and you will be informed when your program is scheduled to undergo CPQR.

Program Advisory Committee

Program Advisory Committee (PAC) provides input on the current needs of the workplace and assist in the identification of future trends and changes in the industry. The PAC is comprised of a cross-section of persons external to the College who have a direct interest in and experience and expertise related to the particular occupational area addressed by the program. Students are eligible to participate on the PAC as non- voting members. You must complete one semester of a certificate program or two semesters of a Diploma or Advanced Diploma program to be eligible. If you would like to participate on your PAC, you should express your interest to your Program Coordinator.


Key Takeaway

Make sure you regularly monitor your myCentennial email account. This is your official email account for College-related business.

The importance of eCentennial

eCentennial is the College’s learning management system where you will access an online learning environment for all your courses. Students are encouraged to regularly check the News section in their eCentennial course shells for important course information, updates, reminders, changes, class resources, and information from professors.