
Progression and Graduation Requirements

Progression Requirements

The passing mark in each course in the SSW Program is 60% (equivalent to a C grade). Anything below a 60% is considered a fail.

Students are required to complete any pre-requisites before enrolling in a course. Failing a course with a pre-requisite  or co-requisite may require students repeat the course.

Students are expected to achieve, each academic term a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) of at least 2.0 to remain in Good Academic Standing. Students who do not achieve the minimum TGPA will be placed on either Conditional or Probationary Standing. Continued unsatisfactory academic performance may require the student to be placed on suspension or debarment.


It is your responsibility to know and understand your program model route and program expectations.

This includes the following:

  • Know when your courses are offered during academic year
  • Know which pre requisites are needed in order to move forward, especially for field placement
  • Know what minimum grades are required for each course
  • Know COMM (English) requirements
  • Check your grades for every assignment submitted and final grades at end of every semester


You can view your model route by doing a degree audit. This allows you to see which courses you’ve completed and which are outstanding:  Here are graphic instructions on how to do a degree audit: https://p.widencdn.net/ygabwt/how-to-run-a-degree-audit

Please bookmark this link.

HOW TO RUN A DEGREE AUDIT (Written instructions)
1. Log in to your myCentennial (https://my.centennialcollege.ca/) using your student number and password.

2. Click on the ‘Student’ tab on the left side of myCentennial to select ‘Student Records’ option.

3. Click on ‘Degree Audit’ under the ‘Graduation’ tab from the Student Records page.

4. Select current term and click ‘Submit’. (January to April = Winter, May to August = Summer, September to December = Fall)

5. To generate a new evaluation, select a program, degree, major and anticipated graduation term and then select ‘Generate Request’.

Graduation Requirements

Students must take and pass all courses on the model route and any other program requirements, including experiential learning (e.g., co-operative education, field/clinical placements, etc.), in order to graduate.

Students must also achieve an overall program Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 to be eligible to graduate.

Students must have completed at least 25% of the program at Centennial College, excluding prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) and transfer credit (TCR).

Students must complete the requirements of the program in effect at the time of graduation unless the Dean or designate approves alternative arrangements in writing. This requirement includes any changes made to future semesters during the student’s studies but does not include changes in semesters that have already been completed unless required for the future semester courses.