
The Student

All students will be asked to arrange interviews with practicum agencies after approval by the Field Placement Coordinator. Before approval is given, the first-year student must demonstrate their readiness for the field by completing tasks as assigned in the Field Preparation and Community Awareness class (HMNS 10101). Second year students will be given information about setting up placements through a mandatory meeting with the Field Placement Coordinator and Field Placement Specialist. In all cases it is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate their readiness.

Students will be expected to research each agency before attending an interview there. The agency must be contacted in a professional and timely manner in order to set up the interview. It is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate professionalism and readiness for the field during the interview.  The student is expected to come to the interview with an up to date resume, references, and a copy of their initial goals for this potential placement. The student must also ensure that they know what requirements must be met before the practicum can start (i.e. medical, police clearance) and that these are met before actually starting the practicum.

After completing an interview, if the student is not accepted by the agency, the student will meet with the Field Placement Specialist to determine a plan of action. If the student was not accepted at any agency because of their lack of professionalism or readiness (e.g. misses an interview with an agency supervisor, does not follow directions, is unprepared or unprofessional, does not submit goal sheets, resume, etc.), the College is under no obligation to arrange or allow any further placement opportunities for that student in that semester. In this case, the Field Placement Coordinator may determine that additional work is required before the student will be allowed to continue into the field, which may mean that the student will not be entering the field until the next time the practicum (WORK 10120/10121, 10122/10122, 10124/10125) is offered.

In all circumstances it is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate their readiness. Students are to sign off on a withdrawal form if they do so choose to withdraw from their practicum. This form will be kept in the student’s file at the college


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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