
Student Roles and Responsibilities

The student is expected to:

  1. Report to the agency at times specified by the agency and practicum supervisor (see ‘Absences’ under Additional Policies and Procedures for more information).
  2. Complete the required number of practicum hours to the mutual satisfaction of the agency Supervisor and Field Placement Coordinator by the end of each semester.
  3. Advise the agency Practicum Supervisor and Field Placement Specialist of illness, tardiness or material change in circumstances that may affect performance at placement.
  4. Act responsibly as a representative of the practicum organization and abide by all agency policies and procedures.
  5. Ensure that all agency requirements are met and the appropriate clearances have been obtained prior to the date practicum is to start. This includes completing the pre-placement Health Tracker requirements.
  6. Act in accordance with the OCSWSSW’s Code of Ethics.
  7. Act in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, Social Service Worker Program and observe all other Mohawk College and Program policies.
  8. Develop, in consultation with the Practicum Supervisor and the College Faculty Seminar Instructor, a detailed Field Placement Goal Plan for each semester that addresses the student’s personal learning objectives, the requirements of the Social Service Worker Program for the specified practicum course as well as the expectations of the practicum agency.
  9. Invite feedback from the Supervisor and others regarding his/her performance and to be open to learning by considering and acting on feedback.
  10. Be prepared to discuss personal values, feelings and attitudes which relate to development as a helping professional with your supervisor, your Seminar Instructor, in seminar and on your Reflections assignments.
  11. Participate in regular meetings with the Supervisor for the duration of the placement. It is expected that the student will prepare thoughtfully for this supervision session in order to utilize the consultation time effectively.
  12. Review progress with the Faculty Seminar Instructor and Field Placement Supervisor as well as attend discretionary practicum visits arranged and attended by the Field Placement Specialist and Supervisor.
  13. Complete the Goals section of page 3 in their Field Placement Evaluation. Email this to their Field Placement Supervisor and arrange a time to review the completed Evaluation before the end of each semester.
  14. Inform the Practicum Supervisor and the Field Placement Specialist, in a timely manner, of any difficulties or concerns about the practicum and work collaboratively towards a resolution.
  15. Regularly attend and participate fully in weekly Practicum Seminar classes at Mohawk College and on-line facilitated discussions.
  16. Complete a Weekly Attendance Form which documents learning activities, hours completed, and absences. This electronic web form must be completed and submitted every Sunday.
  17. Attend the agreed upon practicum and not contact other practicum for the purpose of developing a new practicum without the prior approval of the Field Placement Coordinator.
  18. No photography or electronic recording is permitted in the placement setting unless expressly permitted or agreed to in writing by the placement supervisor. Any student found in violation of this agreement may be removed from placement and will be sanctioned under the Mohawk College “Student Behaviour Policy,” up to and including termination.


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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