
Procedure For Progressive Discipline

Level One:

Throughout the practicum experience, the Field Placement Supervisor and/or Faculty Seminar Instructor should provide ongoing, constructive feedback as to a student’s performance when they have concerns (e.g. absences, lateness, not completing duties as assigned, etc). The College feels that students have the right to be informed of practicum-related concerns and be provided with the chance to improve and succeed within a practicum setting. This is to be an informal process where the student and supervisor meet to discuss current issues and plan to support growth and success during weekly supervision. The College encourages Field Placement Supervisors to keep notes in order to monitor the student’s performance.

Level Two:

If a concern(s) persists after it has been identified and the student has been provided with the opportunity and support required to progress and/or develop new skills, the supervisor is encouraged to contact and set a meeting with the Faculty Seminar Instructor, Field Placement Specialist and student as soon as possible. The student must be involved in all meetings pertaining to their performance in the practicum. The Faculty Seminar Instructor may at this point suggest that the student be placed on a Success Contract. The areas for improvement will be defined behaviourally, in a positive manner (e.g. the student will arrive on time each morning by 9 am, instead of, the student will not be late), and a meeting for review/ongoing Evaluation Report will be established. The Faculty Seminar Instructor can provide a format for the Contract.

The Success Contract will be signed by the student and the Faculty Seminar Instructor and a copy will be given to each person.

Level Three:

If the student does not execute the learning as outlined in the Contract, then he/she may be asked to leave the practicum and assigned an unsuccessful grade for the field (WORK 10121, 10123 or 10125). In this case, the Faculty Seminar Instructor will request that the Field Placement Supervisor complete the appropriate Student Practicum Feedback Sheet and Evaluation Report, clearly outlining the student’s performance.

Please note that at any time during a practicum experience, if a student engages in unethical behaviour as outlined in the Code of Ethics from the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSWW) or the Student Code of Conduct (Mohawk College), they may be asked to leave their practicum immediately and assigned an unsuccessful grade for the field.


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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