
Personal Safety

This document is designed to inform you of the potential risks associated with the practicums, which are required for graduation. It is the College’s belief that you have a right to be informed of risks associated with this aspect of your educational and professional preparation and that with proper knowledge and preparation, risks can be minimized.

  1. An important aspect of professional practice is having awareness of the limits of your knowledge and skills and avoiding helping situations that are not within your area of competence. Whenever you have a question about the handling of a particular case and whether or not a given intervention is appropriate, see your agency supervisor, Field Placement Specialist or Field Placement Coordinator.
  2. Client Office Visits. Sometimes you may have a client in your office that becomes agitated or hostile. It is important that you discuss such matters with your agency supervisor early in your practicum to be informed of agency policy and recommended courses of action should such an event occur.
  3. Agency Settings. Some agencies serve a client population whose behaviour may be unpredictable. It is important that you learn strategies for handling clients whose behaviour becomes threatening. Whenever you feel uncomfortable with a client, inform your supervisor. It is acceptable to have your supervisor, or another staff person accompany you when visiting such clients.
  4. Home Visits. It is not uncommon for social service workers, in a variety of social service settings, to conduct home visits. Such visits do expose you to risks.  It is important that all home visits be made with the full knowledge of your agency supervisor–time of departure, time of return, other activities while on the trip, etc. Do not conduct a home visit when you feel uncomfortable or threatened in the situation. Return to the agency and report your experiences to your supervisor. Beware of dogs or other household pets that might be a threat. Do not make a visit when the presence of alcohol is detected. It may be appropriate for you to make visits accompanied by your supervisor. Do not take risks. Know who to call or what steps to take if you should experience a vehicle breakdown.
  5. Meetings After Hours. Some social service settings have activities that occur beyond normal office hours. Be aware of the location or neighbourhood where such activities take place, note street lighting, open spaces, shrubs and other growth that might impair vision. It is suggested that you always be accompanied by your supervisor or someone else when going to your car after dark. Do not take risks.
  6. Hepatitis B Vaccine. It is recommended that you get this vaccination. This involves a series of three injections over a six-month period. The second injection is given one month following the first, with the third injection coming five months later. Given the time requirements for this protection, it is important that you begin immunizations at a time that would give you protection by the time you enter the field. This series of immunizations can be administered by the College Health Centre. (Please refer to appendix).
  7. Students Using Their Own Vehicles for agency business while on practicum placement – including transportation of client(s). In order for students to use their own vehicles for agency business while on practicum placement it is recommended that students should:
    1. have minimum one million dollars liability car insurance coverage that includes “occasional transportation of passengers” in the policy;
    2. have a letter from their insurance company confirming the insurance coverage and that the insurance is still in force and will be throughout the practicum, that may be shown to interested parties;
    3. If a student is to drive an agency vehicle, they must ensure that they are covered and named on the agency’s insurance policy as a designated driver of that agency’s vehicles.
  1. Activities of Personal Care & Physical Restraints. We recommend strongly that students in the field do not complete activities of personal care (e.g. toileting, transfers, etc.) or physically restrain a client without prior training and certification from the current placement agency. Check with your Field Placement Seminar Instructor if you have questions.
  2. Students shall not dispense over-the-counter, prescription medications or alcohol.


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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