
Hours and Duration of Placement

First year Fast Track students will begin their placement in the summer (July and August) and will complete 200 hours before the end of the summer semester. First year Regular Stream students will begin their placement in the winter semester (starting in January) and will complete 200 hours before the end of the winter semester (April). Second year students will complete 200 hours in each of the two semesters (Fall and Winter) for a total of 400 hours.

Practicum days for Fast Track students are Mondays through Thursdays. Second year students are in placement on Mondays and Tuesdays. First year Regular Stream students are in placement on Thursdays and Fridays. Students may be required to work shifts (e.g. 8 – 4 pm, 4 – 12 am, 12 – 8 am), depending on the needs of the placement. It is expected that students will be flexible to shift work hours as most social service agencies operate on a twenty-four-hour basis. Occasionally agencies request that the student attend on alternate days of the week. Students who wish to complete practicum activities at periods outside the regular practicum days must negotiate this in advance with their Agency Supervisor and Field Placement Specialist.

Students are expected to be at placement during all regularly scheduled hours and only receive credit for actual hours on placement. Students are governed in principle by the Employment Standard Act (ESA) with regards to placement hours on a Statutory Holiday. Although Labour Day is a Statutory Holiday, students begin their practicum on the day following Labour Day. As a result, hours will not be accrued for Labour Day.

If an agency is closed on a Statutory Holiday and that day is a regular field placement day, the student will accrue the hours normally collected (e.g. 7.5 hours) and will be required to itemize the accrual in their Attendance Form.

If the agency is open on a Statutory Holiday, the student should attend placement as requested by the placement supervisor, understanding that some agencies still provide client care. However, the student has now earned time and a half for all hours worked. They need to indicate this on their Attendance Form.

Students follow the agency’s direction regarding the taking of a lunch. If staff at the agency are considered working during the lunch break and are paid for this time, students who are also considered working during the lunch break can accrue this time. Direction should be taken from the supervisor. Documentation in the Attendance Form should reflect this. If staff at the agency are not paid for their lunch, students will also take their lunch and will not accrue this time.

Any student requiring a modification of placement shift hours or duties due to a disability is required to discuss success strategies with Accessible Learning Services (see ‘Students with Disabilities’ under Supports for more information).

 Students are expected to be at the agreed upon practicum for the duration of the semester. If a student completes their hours early, they are still expected to continue at their practicum. However, a student may complete their placement one week early if all their hours are completed and their supervisor agrees to this. Seminar attendance is still mandatory


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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