

The grade the student receives is determined by the Field Placement Supervisor but is the responsibility of the College. The following Evaluation instruments are used to determine the grade:

  1. Written Reports by the Field Placement Supervisor
  2. Reports on field visits by the Field Placement Specialist
  3. Informal feedback by agency staff
  4. Student Attendance Form.
  5. Student consultation with faculty, as appropriate

Field Placement Supervisors are required to complete an Evaluation at the end of each semester. This report is to be completed by the supervisor with the student in order to enhance the student’s learning. The grading scheme for WORK 10121/10123/10125 is Requirements Met/Not Met as opposed to a percentage grade scheme.

If the student is asked to leave the practicum and is assigned Requirements Not Met, the Field Placement Specialist will request that the Field Placement Supervisor complete the appropriate Student Practicum Feedback Sheet and Evaluation Report, clearly outlining the student’s performance and reason for termination. This allows College faculty to work in partnership with the student to identify and analyze specific concerns. If a student is not successful in either WORK 10121/10120, 10123/10122 or 10125/10124 both courses must be taken again at the next offering


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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