
Field Placement Goal Plan

Students are expected to develop vocational competencies and complete the tasks assigned by the supervisor during their practicum. This process is supported by the development of a Field Placement Goal Plan based on the student’s goals. Supervisors are asked to assist the student in setting specific tasks and activities appropriate to the practicum setting. Students design goals for their own learning in two (2) areas:

  1. Direct Service Goal
  2. Indirect Service Goal
    •  Goals must be shaped to suit the features of the agency.
    • All student goals should be: observable, measurable and attainable.
    • The supervisor should obtain a copy of the student’s goals at the time of the initial interview.
    • By the second week of the semester, students will start to develop their Field Placement Goal Plans in their seminar class based on their initial goals (Please see Appendix) and this Field Placement Goal Plan will be brought to the Supervisor for completion during supervision (e.g. supporting activities, assessment, etc.).
    • The Field Placement Goal Plan becomes the contract between supervisor and student and provides shape and direction to the work the student is to accomplish while at the field placement.
    • Each term students are expected to develop goals that are reflective of their learning needs and vocational outcomes.
    • Both the supervisor and student should refer regularly to this document to ensure that both are fulfilling the terms of the contract. This document can change throughout the year as required (e.g. a goal is achieved) and should be a part of the evaluative process.


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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