
Areas of Demonstration Required

Areas of Demonstrated Competence Required

Students are expected to develop competency in the areas noted below. These goals represent minimum performance standards in order to graduate with a diploma from a Social Service Worker Program. It is anticipated that students will acquire knowledge and experience relevant to some of these goals while participating in field practicum. It is not expected that the student will be exposed to all areas of practice required during a single practicum, however classroom curriculum and field experience augment and support each other. As a result of the interaction between the two, it is anticipated that students will acquire this broad base of generic human service skills.

Vocational Learning Outcome #1

Develop and maintain professional relationships which adhere to professional, legal, and ethical standards aligned to social service work

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • is familiar with and follows the OCSWSSW Code of Ethics
  • able to set clear boundaries with support
  • demonstrates basic documentation skills
  • implements basic confidentiality protocol and seeks clarification when needed
  • demonstrates the ability to initiate and maintain therapeutic rapport with clients

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • understands and is sensitive to the impact of power within the therapeutic relationship
  • is beginning to identify ethical dilemmas independently and seek supervision
  • has a broader understanding of ethical dilemmas within SSW practice and is beginning to use a model to support them through these issues
  • has a beginning understanding of relevant legal standards that apply to SSW practice

Vocational Learning Outcome #2

Identify strengths, resources, and challenges of individuals, families, groups and communities to assist them in achieving their goals

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • understand the impact of legislation, policy, etc. upon social issues
  • can identify the progression of the helping interview and basic SSW interviewing skills
  • understands the importance of identifying strengths and resources
  • has foundational skills in goal setting

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • can utilize an empowering approach to case management
  • has applied some generalist assessment models to client cases (e.g. biopsychosocial, Strengths Based, etc.)
  • is beginning to create empowering action plans with client populations

Vocational Learning Outcome #3

Recognize diverse needs and experiences of individuals, groups, families, and communities, to promote accessible and responsive programs and services

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • understands the need for an anti-oppressive approach with diverse populations
  • knows of some community-based agencies that support diverse populations
  • is beginning to understand the impact of availability of programs and services to specific client groups

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • can identify the needs of certain diverse populations from a strengths-based model
  • has fundamental knowledge of intervention strategies to consumers living with a variety of challenges

Vocational Learning Outcome #4

Identify current social policy; relevant legislation; and political, social, and/or economic systems, and their impacts on service delivery

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • recognize the context of the social services delivery system in Ontario
  • is starting to identify the values and structures underlying policies and social service delivery

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • can identify how these systems impact upon client groups
  • is beginning to work within these systems to empower clients

Vocational Learning Outcome #5

Advocate for appropriate access to resources to assist individuals, families, groups, and the community

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • understands the role of a SSW as an advocate
  • understands the importance of needing advocacy skills in the field of SSW in order to help clients become empowered

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • understands the difference between case and cause advocacy
  • can produce and implement basic strategy plans for individual or community-based advocacy
  • can identify the impact of policy and legislation on advocacy work
  • is beginning to analyze ethical dilemmas that impact advocacy work

Vocational Learning Outcome #6

Develop and maintain positive working relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and community partners

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • follows agencies policies and procedures
  • works well within the agency’s team
  • demonstrates professional behaviours (e.g. arriving on time, checking in with supervisor, following direction, etc.)
  • prepares for supervision by requesting feedback, direction and clarification
  • demonstrates a positive attitude towards staff and work (e.g. is engaged and interested)
  • has a respectful demeanour when working with staff

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • works as a team member
  • seeks supervision when appropriate
  • responds professionally to feedback and attempts to meet expectations
  • assertively and appropriately asks for what they need
  • is accountable and responsible for all assigned duties
  • is self-initiating
  • is beginning to develop a professional identity
  • is acting as an entry level staff

Vocational Learning Outcome #7

Develop strategies and plans that lead to the promotion of self-care, improved job performance, and enhanced work relationships

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • has been introduced to the concepts of self-care and burn-out
  • has assessed personal styles of interacting with colleagues and is beginning to develop fundamental skills for relationship building
  • understands the importance of engaging in professional behaviours

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • can identify the issues of transitioning from student to employee
  • can identify the patterns of adjustment for new employees
  • can identify strategies to counteract burn out
  • understands the need for lifelong learning in SSW
  • is aware of the roles for professional associations

Vocational Learning Outcome #8

Integrate social group work and group facilitation skills across a wide range of environments, supporting growth and development of individuals, families, and communities

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • is beginning to understand the importance of group work within the SSW profession
  • has some foundational facilitation skills within groups
  • has identified areas of personal challenge in working with others

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • can work effectively within a co-operative working group
  • can communicate assertively – gives and receives feedback respectfully
  • can integrate group work theory and skills into the practice setting

Vocational Learning Outcome #9

Work in communities to advocate for change strategies that promote social and economic justice and challenge patterns of oppression and discrimination

Year One Outcomes: Examples

  • is beginning to identify groups within our communities that face oppression and the historical context of their experiences
  • can define racism and is beginning to understand the systemic evolution of oppression and discrimination

Year Two Outcomes: Examples

  • has a beginning understanding of how change takes place within communities
  • has a beginning understanding of the concept of social justice


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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