
Accident Reporting

The following procedure is to be followed should a student sustain an injury or occupational exposure while in practicum that requires the following:

    1. The student requires medical attention
    2. Involves an injury that may lead to further complications, and/or
    3. Involves lost time from practicum that must be made up at a later date

The Student has a responsibility to:

    1. Contact their Supervisor and Field Placement Specialist as soon as possible
    2. Ensure the practicum site has been given pertinent information regarding the accident/incident and support the completion of any applicable documentation.

The Agency has a responsibility to:

    1. Complete an agency accident/incident report and submits this to the college within 3 business days of the accident
    2. College will send the agency 3 forms to be filled out and returned to the college ASAP:
      • Post-Secondary Student Unpaid Work Workplace Insurance Claim Form
      • Form 7- Report of Accident/Injury
      • Letter of Authorization to Represent Employer

The Field Placement Specialist has a responsibility to:

    1. Submit completed documentation to WSIB within required timeline

The Accident/Incident report should also include the following additional information:

    • Student’s address, phone number, date of birth, student number
    • College campus
    • Placement name, address, phone number and agency contact (eg. Supervisor)
    • Please also indicate if you work at a part time job


Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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