


 Regular attendance and punctuality at the student’s practicum are expected. Any hours missed from practicum due to illness and/or any other reasons, must be made up as soon as possible.

If the student misses two or more days in a semester, the student will be required to meet with their Field Placement Specialist to discuss this issue and be placed on a Success Contract. Continued absences may result in the student being withdrawn from the practicum.

If the student is absent from practicum the following steps must be taken:

  1. The student is expected to directly contact his/her supervisor or a designate and report the absence. This must be done prior to or immediately at the start of the normal start time of the placement. Students are advised to discuss agency policy regarding absences/illnesses with their supervisor at the beginning of their placement to clarify expectations.
  2. The student is also required to account for an absence on their Attendance Form.

Note : Failure to follow this procedure will result in the student being placed on a Success Contract. If the Success Contract is not adhered to, the student will be removed from the practicum and may receive a failing grade in WORK (10121, 10123, or 10125).

 Accommodation Plans from Accessible Learning Services at Mohawk College will be taken into careful consideration and the student should meet in advance with the Field Placement Co-Ordinator to discuss and plan for any challenges they may experience in attending their practicum on a regular basis.

Attendance demonstrates the student’s commitment to the profession of Social Service Work and the consumers we serve


The Field Placement Seminar is an essential component of a practicum experience. Students who miss two or more seminar classes in a given semester will meet with their Seminar Instructor and be put on a Success Contract. The Field Placement Co-Ordinator will receive a copy of this and the student may be required to withdraw from the Practicum if more absences occur (unless a student has an Accommodation Plan that specifically highlights absences).


Students are expected to be at placement on all regularly scheduled and agreed upon times. Students are expected to follow the agency policy re notifying the agency if they are unable to attend placement. Please review with the student as soon as possible what the agency policies are and ensure that the student has the name, number etc. of the person to call if they are unexpectedly unable to attend the practicum.

Please notify the Field Placement Specialist if you have concerns about a student’s absences or if a student has continual (more than two days) absences.



Social Service Worker Field Placement Manual Copyright © by Lucas Reniers. All Rights Reserved.

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