


Anna Rodrigues is a second-generation settler of Portuguese descent who lives on Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory, the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Nations. She is an interdisciplinary educator and artivist who is passionate about social justice in education. Her research explores the ways in which underprivileged communities amplify their voices through creative acts of resistance, such as public art, media production and social media. She has a PhD in Education – Language, Culture and Teaching, from York University, and a Master of Education from Ontario Tech University. Anna teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Education at Ontario Tech University.


Hannah Atkinson is a third-generation Canadian settler of British, Scotts-Irish, and Scandinavian descent who lives on Haudenosaunee homeland in the Williams Treaty Territory. She is currently a Teaching Assistant in the Faculty of Education and was a Microcredential Program Assistant at Ontario Tech University. In addition to her painting, Hannah is a Registered Early Childhood Educator and using her Bachelor of Arts to work toward her Master of Education. Her research interests explore digital play, sociocultural contexts for academic integrity, and educational technology.


With support from the OER Lab at Ontario Tech

Pranjal Saloni
Ghufran Shahid
Zainab Nomani
Marie Lowe
Jaya Narayan
Shreya Patel
Maria Tifanny
Vera Martinez
Emad Damra
Noopa Kuriakose


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Digital Collages on Social Justice Issues in Education Copyright © by Ontario Tech University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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