12 Housing Crisis

This is a collage that looks at Housing Affordability Affect on Education.
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By Ieva Jean

United Nations (1989) Convention on the Rights of the Child “recognize the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development,” as well as “the right of the child to education” and measures must be taken “to encourage regular attendance at schools and the reduction of drop-out rates” (p. 9). Home status afforded by family income significantly affects a person’s sense of autonomy, certainty, and control, leading to higher levels of stress, emotional and behavioural problems, and predicts educational performance, attainment, and completion; thus, having a stable and healthy home is a fundamental need for all children (Conley, 2021; Taylor & Edwards, 2012).

Canada is experiencing a housing crisis due to the extensive price gaps between affordable housing and the actual market. Consequently, nearly 1.5 million Canadian households, and 1 in 10 children, live in an unsuitable, inadequate, or unaffordable dwelling and are not able to afford alternatives, and 80% of 18 to 28-year-olds worry they will not be able to afford a home of their choice, possibly ending up in unideal living situations (Bogart, 2022; Statistics Canada, 2022). 75% of Canadians report that rising prices affect their ability to meet day-to-day expenses, including housing, placing children in a vulnerable situation that also affects their education (Statistics Canada, 2022). Data suggests we need to build 3.5 million more homes by 2030 to reach affordability and stabilize soaring prices in the market (Adena, 2022).

I recognize that I would not be able to establish myself in today’s market and could not afford adequate housing for my family; thus, as a parent, I worry if my children, or anyone in need, will ever be able to afford their own homes and support their offspring.


Adena, A. (2022, June 23). Canada needs 5.8 million new homes by 2030 to tackle affordability crisis, CMHC warns. CBC News. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/housingaffordability-cmhc-report-2030-1.6498898

Bogart, N. (2022, January 5). Half of Canadians under 30 have given up on owning a single family home: Survey. CTV News. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/half-of-canadiansunder-30-have-given-up-on-owning-a-single-family-home-survey-1.5699344

Conley, D. (2001). A room with a view or a room of one’s own? Housing and social stratification. Sociological Forum 16(2), 263–280. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011052701810

Statistics Canada. (2022, September 21). To buy or to rent: The housing market continues to be reshaped by several factors as Canadians search for an affordable place to call home. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220921/dq220921b-eng.htm

Taylor, M., & Edwards, B. (2012, Autumn). Housing and children’s wellbeing and development: evidence from a national longitudinal study. Family Matters, 91, 47. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264825294_Housing_and_children’s_wellbeing_and_development_Evidence_from_a_national_longitudinal_study

United Nations. (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child. United Nations Treaty Series, 1577.  https://www.unicef.org.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2010/05/UNCRC_united_nations_convention_on_the_rights_of_the_child.pdf


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