7 The Role of an Online Professor
As you have already learned, when you join an online course, you become part of what is known as a Community of Inquiry and you take on an important role in this online learning environment.
What is the role of your professor in this learning environment?
Your online professor provides the teaching presence to create and design significant learning experiences for you and your fellow students. Professors also thoughtfully facilitate the content that will support your learning in the class. They also direct you by answering questions and challenging your assumptions to help you grow in your knowledge and skills.
In online classrooms, your professor takes on the following roles:
- Designer: In an online learning environment, your professors will guide you toward readings and other learning materials that will serve your learning goals. Based on their experience in their field, they are able to help you focus your attention on learning resources that are accurate and relevant.
- Facilitator: Your professor carefully creates opportunities for you to learn the skills you need for your future career and designs assignments and learning activities to lead you towards intellectual, personal, and professional growth. As you review the course presentation, consider each of the learning activities and assignments. Think about the reasons why your professor may have selected these course components to contribute to your development.
- Director: Online professors are available to answer questions along the way. As you learn, you will inevitably find areas that are unclear to you, either related to the course content or your learning process. By communicating with your professor effectively, you will take full advantage of their role in guiding you on your journey.[1]
- Garrison, D. R., & Vaughan, N. D. (2008). Blended learning in higher education: framework, principles, and guidelines (1st ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ↵