
20 Word Cloud


Level Material
A2 and up Blank sheets of paper

Place students in groups and give each group a blank sheet of paper. Tell them they will have 1 minute (or 2) to write as many words related to a word you will say or write on the board. For example: you say (or write) the word “summer”. Students may come up words such as, ice-cream, beaches, rain, bikini, shorts, mangoes, sunbathing, vacation, etc.

Take turns asking the groups which words they have. If the connection with the original word is not clear, challenge the group to explain why they included that word and either accept or refuse it. Suppose you challenge the word “mango” above. They might explain that this is when the mango trees are full of their fruits in tropical countries, and you can pick and eat them fresh.

Keep track of how many words each group produced and were accepted by you. The winning group is the one with the most words.


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