
4. Developing Assignment Instructions


Activity 1

In this activity, you will examine elements of a research assignment instruction sheet that encourage students towards problem-exploring, rather than answer-getting.

  1. Read How do Assignments Dispose Students Toward Research?[1] by Madsen Hardy, Gwen Kordonowy, and Ken Liss.
  2. Examine your own assignment instruction sheets. How does your assignment lead students towards problem-exploring? Where have you inserted problem-exploring phrases in your instructions?

Activity 2

In this activity, you will examine a research assignment instruction sheet and consider how you might improve the assignment.

  1. Read the Research Paper Assignment[2] by Virginia Montecino.
  2. Compare with the Revised Research Assignment Instructions[3].

Complete the questions below

Part A: Scan the Research Paper Assignment. Answer the questions below.

  1. Does this assignment meet its stated purpose? How so?
  2. What do these assignment instructions teach students about research? What impression does the tone and level of detail leave with students?
  3. How would you modify these instructions?

Part B: Scan the Revised Research Paper Assignment. Answer the questions below.

  1. How does the revised research paper assignment instructions compare with the original instructions? What is similar? What has changed?
  2. What do these assignment instructions teach students about research? What impression does the tone and level of detail leave with students?
  3. How would you further improve the revised research paper instructions?

  1. How do Assignments Dispose Students Toward Research? [Article]: https://hdl.handle.net/2144/46091
  2. Research Paper Assignment: http://mason.gmu.edu/~montecin/researchpap.htm
  3. Revised Research Assignment Instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14J5zjLvPcnxOQ4VQu82ATnO83s_sVWtyUSx43EsprDk/edit?usp=sharing


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