
2. Students as Learners


In this activity, you will examine different types of information literacy learners and explore strategies for addressing information literacy in diverse ways.

  1. Read Architects, Renovators, Builders, and Fragmenters[1] by Maoria J. Kirker and Ilana Stonebraker (NOTE: subscription to the Journal of Academic Librarianship is required).
  2. Share your ideas and experiences addressing differing student approaches and responses to research in your courses in the Padlet below:

Share your thoughts

  1. Architects, Renovators, Builders, and Fragmenters: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2018.10.009
  2. Open Padlet: https://padlet.com/koakey/how-do-you-address-students-as-diverse-learners-8p3s52k4b0la3h4l


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