
3. Applying Teaching & Learning Strategies

Connecting Students with a Support System

As discussed in chapter 2 under Becoming Experts, students often need some support to become familiar with the resources and expertise offered by post-secondary institutions. They may feel intimidated to ask for help from support services, leading to unauthorized assistance, increased frustration and stress, and poor learning outcomes. Bringing support services into your classroom often provides the opportunity students need to recognize their own gaps in knowledge and connect with expertise offered by these helpful services.

In addition, hearing the same information in a variety of ways from multiple sources can help students solidify their understanding.

Strategies for Success

  • Connect with your librarian as well as learning or tutoring supports to determine the best way to support students and familiarize them with the services and expertise available to them.
  • Provide links to support services and key resources from library and learning services on the assignment instruction sheet.


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