
Your Relationship with Your Supervisor

One of your most important relationships as a faculty member is the one that you have with your boss. Your Chairperson is the person who communicates with you how the strategic directions and college directives will shape the work of your School or division, and also helps guide you in your growth towards teaching excellence. Your Chairperson can offer you valuable coaching and mentorship when you are facing difficult situations or decisions, and is able to champion your ideas by mobilizing institutional supports or resources. Open and reciprocal communication and collaboration are essential to your success as a faculty member.

It is highly worthwhile to pay close attention to the feedback you receive from your Chairperson. Their ideas, suggestions, and recommendations can help you to align yourself and your work with the overall goals, directions, and values of your department. Every interaction with your Chairperson is a chance for you to learn and reflect.

Your Chairperson can give you feedback about your teaching practice through casual conversations, one-to-one meetings, reflective practice discussions, and through coaching or mentorship. When your relationship with your Chairperson is characterized by trust, reciprocity, collegiality, respect, and warmth, your mutual discussions will be enjoyable and satisfying. However, all great relationships require commitment, and your relationship with your boss is no exception. The following section will provide you with tools that can enhance your working relationship with your Chairperson. As you strive for excellence in your teaching practice, it is essential that you develop and maintain a good working relationship with your boss!

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Go to Activity 3.7. A Word with the Boss.


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Faculty Leadership, 2nd Edition Copyright © 2024 by Sue Wells and Lisa McCaie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.