
Taking Reflection to Action

Identifying your focus for change is the first step in moving from reflecting on your practice to changing it. However, like a New Year’s resolution that is often forgotten by February, you will have little success in changing your practice without an action plan. It is often easy to skip this step particularly when your desire for change feels like it will be enough to propel you into sustainable action. Instead, pause for a moment and consider those times when you wanted to make a change in your life like quitting smoking, losing weight, eating healthy, or balancing your work/life priorities. Think about what made you successful in changing this behaviour. Admit it, you probably had a plan! You may have put your goals in writing, kept track of progress, and set benchmarks for yourself. To put your reflections into tangible actions, here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Use the SMART goal approach to set goals for yourself that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Based. It is an effective, yet simple framework that can guide your actions towards change and measure your success.
  • Identify the resources that can support your action plan. Don’t forget about your colleagues – they can provide a wealth of knowledge!
  • Remember to plan how you will measure your success. What results will you consider a success? Knowing this will help you to celebrate when you get there.

Representative icon of a plant inside a pot to identify Growth in SoTL (Meta-Knowledge) activities    Activities

Go to:

  • Activity 4.2. Preparing for Reflective Practice Meetings.
  • Activity 4.3. Stretch Yourself!


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Faculty Leadership, 2nd Edition Copyright © 2024 by Sue Wells and Lisa McCaie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.