
Supporting the Work of Program Advisory Committees: A Tool for Coordinators

This section has been completed in collaboration with the Center for Academic Excellence and Program Quality (AEPQ) and relies heavily on the PAC resources created by this department.

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) mandates that all colleges establish a Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for each program of instruction or cluster of related programs. PACs provide an essential link between Centennial College and the community it serves. PACs assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the College’s programs and in the identification of future trends and changes in the industry to ensure programs are current and relevant. PAC members inform programming with respect to industry trends and thus any changes in graduate skill and knowledge requirements, keeping curriculum aligned with industry needs.

The Program Coordinator, working with the Academic Chair, ensures the existence and the effective operation of the PAC. Acting as a resource to the PAC, the Program Coordinator plays an important role in identifying and providing orientation to new PAC members, preparing and distributing meeting agendas and minutes, and ensuring the PAC members have information about the program and the support necessary to fulfill their role.

This activity encourages you to explore the structure and operations of the PAC and identify strategies for improvement. Given the in-depth knowledge you have of the program and the particular field of study, you are instrumental in maximizing the operations of the PAC. However, it is important to note that this is a responsibility that you share with the Chairperson. For this reason, it is suggested that you and the Chairperson work together to complete this reflective activity.

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Go to Activity 3.16. Supporting Your PAC.


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Faculty Leadership, 2nd Edition Copyright © 2024 by Sue Wells and Lisa McCaie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.