
Program Level Reflection: A Tool for Coordinators

Inherent to the role of coordinating, is a distinct focus on the program in its entirety. Program Coordinators often find themselves focusing not solely on the individual courses that they are teaching. Rather their focus is often on the combined effect of all teaching and curriculum within the program and the effect it is having on student’s experience.

This reflective practice tool is intended to provide the Program Coordinator with some questions they could pose to the faculty team as they collectively consider the students experience within the program. Through its use, the program faculty team are encouraged to collectively consider actions they could take to improve the students experience throughout the entire program.

As per the Academic Freedom Policy, it is recognized that each faculty has the academic freedom to carry out teaching and learning experiences and this reflective activity does not suggest any restrictions to this. Rather, this activity encourages the faculty team to consider the students experience within the program in its’ entirety. It offers some ideas for consistent practices in the organization of the learning that may improve the students experience as they interact with all of their courses.

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Go to Activity 3.15. Considering the Student Experience.


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Faculty Leadership, 2nd Edition Copyright © 2024 by Sue Wells and Lisa McCaie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.