

As a faculty member, you teach, motivate, inspire, and support students as they acquire the knowledge and skills to become successful professionals. Perhaps the most important role in the College, the work you do is critical to the success of students. The values you bring to this work affects how you teach and interact with students, colleagues, and your manager. Your reflection on this provides you with boundless opportunities to grow, learn, and improve.

This manual has offered you a roadmap for your reflective journey. You have identified your values and connected them to your teaching practice. You have reflected on how you have implemented your values into action. Along the way, you have read personal stories, lessons learned, and inspirations from your colleagues as they travelled through their own reflective practice journeys.

As we are also on our own reflective practice journeys, we welcome hearing your ideas of how we can expand and improve this guide for faculty members. An evaluation of this manual has been included for you to share with us your thoughts – we welcome your feedback!

This manual is just scratching the surface of the learnings that can occur during reflective practice. Your personal journey will add rich and valuable learnings beyond what has been shared here. We hope this guide has offered a useful point of departure for your ongoing journey of discovery, growth, and transformation. We wish you all the best as you continue to go forward, navigating the dynamic and exciting terrain of reflective practice.


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Faculty Leadership, 2nd Edition Copyright © 2024 by Sue Wells and Lisa McCaie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.