7.4 Reference Checking
Phone references and online reference checking are both methods employers use to gather information about job candidates from their references as part of the late stages of the screening process.
Let’s look at a comparison between the two:

Phone references – Many employers and managers are reluctant to give references in writing, preferring to provide them over the phone. Phone references involve direct communication between the employer and the reference. It allows for real-time conversations, allowing the employer to gauge the tone and sincerity of the reference’s responses. Employers can ask follow-up questions and probe for specific examples. However, scheduling calls can be a time-consuming process of calling and playing phone tag with references.
Online reference checking – While phone reference checks were previously the norm, some employers have opted for modern online reference checking. Online reference checking involves sending requests by email or through specialized AI platforms. References are asked to complete a questionnaire or provide feedback electronically. References can respond conveniently from any device, potentially resulting in faster turnaround times. Online references lack the personal touch of a phone conversation, which may result in more generic responses from references.
Ultimately, the choice between phone references and online reference checking depends on the employer.
Your Perspective: Which would you use and why?
Typical Reference Check Questions
Preliminary questions
The following open-ended questions are designed to provide the reference checker with a clear understanding of the referee’s working relationship with the applicant and a general overview of the applicant’s strengths and areas for development.
- Please describe your working relationship with the applicant (supervisor, client, peer, etc.), and what was the time frame during which you worked with them?
- Relationship:
- # of months/years worked together:
- What were the applicant’s primary responsibilities, and what were they in order of importance?
- What would you describe as the applicant’s key strengths?
- What areas of development could the applicant focus on?
- How did the applicant relate to others on the job?
- Can you briefly describe the applicant’s leadership style?
- What was the applicant’s reason for leaving?
Verification questions
The purpose of the following questions is to verify and/or complete information provided by the applicant in previous assessments (e.g., application form, résumé, interview).
- Are you personally aware of any behaviour that, in your view, may constitute a breach of conduct on the applicant’s part (for example, in terms of interpersonal relations, ethical behaviour or business practices)?
- Please ask any additional questions for verification stemming from the following sources:
- Application form
- Résumé
- Interview
- Other assessments
“Appendix 1 – Structured Reference Checking Form” by the Government of Canada used under the Crown Copyright – NonCommercial Reproduction Licence (Canada). This reproduction is not endorsed by the Government of Canada.—Modifications: Used Part 1: Preliminary questions.