
What’s This All About?

The concept of a faculty patchbook is adopted from Terry Greene, eLearning Designer at Trent Online (who at the time worked in the Learning Design and Support Team at Fleming College). He developed the idea after attending the 2016 Open Education Conference in Virginia. One of the conference speakers, Robin DeRosa, shared how she and her students collaboratively created a textbook for themselves and for future classes. Inspired by her story and tasked with re-modelling faculty development at the college, Greene set out to create a guidebook about pedagogy for teaching and learning in higher education. Thus, the Open Faculty Patchbook was born.

The Open Faculty Patchbook is best understood as a “community quilt of pedagogy”. The quilt symbolizes the idea that while faculty members are part of a broader teaching community, each individual member has a unique story to share about how they teach. Thus, in each patch of the quilt or chapter of the book, a different faculty member offers their take on a pedagogical skill and its uses.

Ultimately, the patchbook is a teaching resource for faculty, created by faculty.

In this version, the core idea remains the same. However, rather than using the concept of a community quilt, we present the network of pedagogy that exists in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University.


Queen's Faculty of Health Sciences Patchbook Copyright © by Faculty Development. All Rights Reserved.