1 Overview of Research Designs
Purpose of the Research Design
- A well structured plan helps the researchers demonstrate the independent variable effect on the dependent variable, rather than another factor.
Important Aspects and Considerations of Research Designs
There are many factors to consider when determining the more appropriate research design, these include, but are not limited to, the degree of accuracy the design will address the research question, the strategies used to control and limit bias in the design, the degree of objectivity offered by the design, and feasibility of the study being successfully undertaken.
Figure 1. Factors influencing the Research Design.
Selecting a designÂ
In selecting a Research Design, the researcher must consider the factors previously described. To help select a design, researchers can ask the following questions.
Figure 2. Important Aspects and Considerations of Research Design.
A statement about the expected relationship between the study variables (independent and dependent variables).
The variable that is presumed to have an effect on the dependent variable.
This is the outcome variable, it is observed and not manipulated.