Module 1: Structuring Your Online Course
Orienting Students to the Learning Environment
Once we have our well-structured and organized course shell, we next move onto the question of introducing students to this learning environment. Our first communications with them and our initial introductions can help set the stage for subsequent interactions. We want to come off as human and supportive, and generate as much excitement as we can.
The Goal: Making a First Impression
Similar to the previous section, we should start by asking, “What is the goal of this initial introduction?” Though each instructor may have slightly different goals, it is probably safe to broadly identify a few ways that we’d like to be thought of.
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How can we humanize our communication and start off positively?
As instructors, we want our students to engage with each other and us during our lessons. Whether they are synchronous or not, we always want to see students motivated by their own interest, sharing opinions, and exploring ideas. We are also the ones that set the tone for our course. The way we introduce the course and the way we initially communicate with students provide students with their first impression of us as instructors.
Activity: Evaluating First Words
What is your first communication to students? Is it a welcome message email? Try showing it to someone who you think could give you some honest feedback about the impression of you your message gives.

Do you seem…
- laidback?
- formal?
- demanding?
- casual?
- excited?
- bored?
- stuffy?
- strict?
- passionate?
- funny?
Do you think your message accurately introduces you in the way that you want to be seen? Is there a disconnect anywhere?
If we want to create a positive learning environment, we have to lead by example. Though there are many ways to encourage a sense of community, one particularly effective method is by self-disclosure. If you volunteer personal information, such as feelings, attitudes, opinions, interests, and experiences, then it is more likely that others (students) will reciprocate.[1]
Fostering a Community in the Classroom
The point of our initial message to students is to get them interested and excited for the course. To help them see, as we do, the reasons our subjects are so interesting and why they are worth learning. But, this is only the first step. We don’t just send one email and end it there. We are trying to build a learning community. We want to avoid the sound of crickets when we ask a question. We want students to engage with the material and share their ideas with their classmates.
Activity: What goes into a Community?
Engagement and open discourse in a classroom require a sense of community in the online space. Students who don’t feel comfortable are unlikely to share their ideas. Fostering a sense of community is a great goal for faculty to have, but it takes time. Researchers who advocate for building a community of inquiry put forward a conceptual framework with three distinct aspects: cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence.[2]
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Learn more about the Community of Inquiry Model.
This sense of community is not created overnight, but is facilitated throughout the entire semester. Designing activities that allow for cognitive presence, while creating a place for students to develop social relationships takes intention and effort. We want to show them that we are actively going to build a community throughout the semester, and that they are all encouraged to participate.
We want to lead by example, showing them that we are going to be members of this community, that we will support them, and finally, that we are excited about the course. The first week of the course is an opportunity to set the tone for the rest of the semester.
Building Pathways and Creating Spaces
In the last chapter, we discussed the importance of creating intuitive pathways through the course, and the structural areas of the course. In the same way, we can apply these concepts to our own communication with students.
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Instructor Information
An important pathway that students should know about is how they can reach you.
- What is your contact information?
- How would you like students to contact you?
- Do you have office hours? If so, how can students attend?
- Do you strive to answer emails in a certain time frame?
This information is usually found on a faculty contact information page. Ensure that it is easy to find in the course, and has all the information that a student would need in order to feel comfortable to contact you. A picture can help make you seem more approachable.
A Place to Ask Questions
Creating a designated place for students to ask general questions can help in a number of ways. First, it can limit emails to you as a bank of common questions is collected over the semester. This acts as a resource that students can check or one that you can direct students to. It also acts as a space for students to answer each other. Facilitating this type of interaction helps build a community of learners.
Additionally, it sends a message of support. Even if a student doesn’t use the resource, it lets them know that you support them.
The easiest way to create this space is to dedicate a discussion board forum to asking questions. It is important that once this space is created it is monitored.
Going Beyond Text
Richard Mayer is credited with an oft-cited set of 12 principles for effective multimedia instruction.[3] Among the principles is the “personalization” principle, which states that students learn better when the language used is more casual and directed to the learner. The idea is that such language creates a stronger social bond than impersonal and formal language.
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Create a Welcome Video
Applying the personalization principle in a basic sense could involve evaluating your text-based welcome message and considering how to make the tone more casual and less formal. You probably don’t speak overly formally, so ensuring that your text matches your natural speaking tone is something we can do to seem more human to our students.
But we don’t have to stick to text. An introduction is a perfect place to substitute traditional text for more engaging video. Whether or not you show your face on the video, simply speaking in a conversational tone about the course and yourself (both as a person and an instructor) can be a great way to get your course started.
This sort of introduction also provides a launch point to ask your students to introduce themselves via a video instead of text.
Take Aim at the Syllabus
Consider your syllabus. It is very likely to be a text-based document that isn’t riveting. Honestly, it is probably not fully read by the majority of your students. One idea is to take your syllabus online and create a more personable website for your courses. Dr. Pacansky-Brock has rethought the traditional syllabus and created an online version. Not only is this more aesthetically pleasing, but it can have an atmosphere that does not exist with a text-based document. Short videos, images, and additional information can be added to the syllabus.
Take a look at some of these examples and consider the extra value that these give to students when they first enter the course.
- Example 1: Alex Venis’ Liquid Syllabus
- Example 2: Michelle Pacansky-Brock’s Liquid Syllabus
- Example 3: Fabiola Torres’ Liquid Syllabus
There is a lot more information on these sites than on a traditional syllabus. The tone is conversational, the instructors seem honest and forthcoming. Visually, liquid syllabi are aesthetically pleasing, and contain resources and answers to real questions (how to succeed, how the course operates) that students might wonder. In short, it can really set the tone for the semester and generate excitement for the course.
Learn more about the liquid syllabus on Michelle’s blog.
Keep it Going
Creating a community requires intentionality and work. A community is not simply built because you had a really nice video introduction. A group of students doesn’t magically become a community overnight and remain so. It takes sustained effort. Once we’ve set the tone with our own great introductions, we should set out what we expect from students throughout the semester.
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Manage Expectations
Set out clear expectations. Students should know what is expected of them, and what they need to succeed in the course. A great place to communicate this information is in a course overview or liquid syllabus.
Be explicit. Treat students courteously, and expect the same from them. The liquid syllabi examples above include guidelines for conduct from both the instructor and student. By defining the way in which you will act, alongside what you expect from students, you give everyone clarity about their role and responsibilities.
Lead by example. If you expect students to have well-written assignments, your instructions should be well written. If you expect students to participate, you should model that participation. You set the tone for the course, and students will feed off the energy and passion that you display. Model good student behaviour yourself.
Best Practices and Expectations for Online Teaching from Penn State
Check in Often
You want to ensure that you are continually encouraging social interactions in the classroom. Beyond creating spaces and opportunities for students to interact with each other, you can reinforce your own presence as an instructor by checking in often, reminding students of the course’s progress, alongside any supports that are available to them.
One idea is to send out a weekly email or announcement which includes a weekly to-do list and a reminder that they can contact you with further questions. This can help students stay on track with their work and remind them that they can reach out to you for assistance and support.
Use regular surveys for students to voice their opinions about the course’s activities. We often ask our students for their views about the material we are teaching, but it can be useful to bring them onboard to the design aspects of the course.
- Do they like the activities?
- Would they prefer breakout rooms or class-wide discussions?
- Is there anything they would like to see added to the course?
These sorts of questions provide you with valuable data about the learning experience you are creating. In addition, when students see their opinions being put into practice it demonstrates to them that their views are valued.
Activity: Humanize your Communication
For this activity, you are encouraged to make one improvement to the way you introduce yourself to your students. Consider any of the three following options:
Option 1 – Revise Your Welcome Message
Take a look at your response to the first activity and initial reflection. Brainstorm ways to improve your welcome message to students. Consider the language and the information that you are communicating. Try to rewrite it to better capture the teaching personality that you want to share with students.
Option 2 – Create a Welcome Video
- Use your phone or webcam to record yourself introducing yourself and the course.
- Talk to your students about what they can expect.
- Keep it short (1-3 minutes).
- Feel free to add images as well if you’d like.
Option 3 – Create a Liquid Syllabus
Google Sites is a suggested platform, but you can explore other options as well. Reach out to an educational technology specialist at your institution for suggestions and tips. Refer to the examples in this chapter and create a liquid syllabus that fits your course and your teaching style. Be sure to include all the information that you want students to know, including any resources and supports that they might need.
- Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (1999). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105. ↵
- Ibid. ↵
- Mayer, R. E. Applying the science of learning: Evidence-based principles for the design of multimedia instruction. American Psychologist 63.8, 760-9. ↵