HOQAS review reports
The HOQAS review reports were the products of the HOQAS/QM review process. Though 187 final report scores are recorded on the HOQAS review process tracking spreadsheet, only 179 report files were located. The report files were processed by a research assistant for inclusion in this dataset. Each report had its front matter (i.e. course number, course name, review identifier number, and review date) and review rubric (i.e. 43 standards) entered into a spreadsheet to facilitate data cleaning and analysis. 54 scores (out of a possible 179 × 43 = 7 697 scores) from the reports were adjusted because the score reported exceeded the maximum possible score for the rubric standard (n = 51) or because they were empty (n = 3). Scores that exceeded the maximum were assigned the maximum value for the standard; scores that were empty were coded to the value 99. 35 entries were removed as duplicates of existing review reports.
In total, 144 HOQAS review reports were retained for analysis, 4 of which were audits of the revisions made to a previously reviewed course. In addition to the 43 individual standards, sums were calculated for each of the 8 sections, as well as an overall score. After inconsistencies in the review identifiers were noted, a former HOQAS coordinator assisted with aligning the review identifier numbers from the reports with that of the HOQAS process tracking spreadsheet.