
9.11 References & Media Attributions


Borenstein, J. (August 2020). Stigma, prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness. American Psychiatric Association.

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction (CCSA). (2019). Overcoming stigma through language: A primer. https://www.ccsa.ca/sites/default/files/2019-09/CCSA-Language-and-Stigma-in-Substance-Use-Addiction-Guide-2019-en.pdf.

Committee on the Science of Changing Behavioural Health Social Norms; Board on Behavioural, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences; Division of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Education; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (August 3, 2016). Ending discrimination against people with mental and substance use disorders: The evidence for stigma change. National Academies Press.

Dufton, E. (March 26, 2012). The war on drugs: How President Nixon tied addiction to crime. The Atlantic.

Friedman, S. (1998). The political economy of drug-user scapegoating – and the philosophy and politics of resistance. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 5(1), 15-32, DOI: 10.3109/09687639809035768

Goffman. (1963). Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity. Prentice-Hall. https://www.worldcat.org/title/stigma-notes-on-the-management-of-spoiled-identity/oclc/223060

Hardee, J. (May 19, 2017). Science says: Addiction is a chronic disease, not a moral failing. Michigan Health.

Health Canada. (2018). Changing how we talk about substance use. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/hc-sc/documents/services/publications/healthy-living/problematic-substance-use/substance-use-eng.pdf

Health Canada. (March 2019). Stigma why words matter. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/hc-sc/documents/services/publications/healthy-living/stigma-why-words-matter.pdf

Jaffe, A. (September 10, 2018). Never Call Someone An “Alcoholic” Or “Addict”. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-addiction/201809/never-call-someone-alcoholic-or-addict

Lewis, J., Shaver, F. M., & Maticka-Tyndale, E. (2013). Going ’round again: The persistence of prostitution related stigma. Selling Sex: Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada https://www.ubcpress.ca/asset/9473/1/9780774824484.pdf

Link, B. & Phelan, J. (August 2001). Conceptualizing Stigma. Annual Review of Sociology, 27(1). https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.soc.27.1.363?casa_token=mNXQdhO-mXIAAAAA:FOXUMZIM5ga4h_GD54FgnTiAvKbh9ANjx-VyCcpb0LpDHpIsJij9Dj8PjUlqX8l2aihcICS8OVBe0BY

McGinty, E. & Barry, C. (April 2, 2020). Stigma reduction to combat the addiction crisis: Developing an evidence base. New England Journal of Medicine, 382(14), 1291-1292. https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMp2000227?articleTools=true

Open Society Foundation. (2008). Nothing about us without us: A manifesto by people who use illegal drugs. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/uploads/b4f8fd79-25a5-46d7-99ab-b51b4563f980/nothing-about-us-without-us-manifesto-20080501.pdf

Owusu-Bempah, A & Luscombe, A. (May 2021). Race, cannabis & the Canadian war on drugs: An examination of cannabis arrest data by race in five cities. International Journal of Drug Policy, 91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102937

Transform Drug Policy Foundation. (June 1, 2015). Count the costs: Promoting stigma & discrimination. https://transformdrugs.org/assets/files/PDFs/count-the-costs-stigma.pdf

Villa, L. (March 3, 2022). Addiction and stigma. American Addiction Centres. https://drugabuse.com/addiction/stigma/

Vincent, L. (May 10, 2019). Reframing the blame for the war on drugs. Open Societies Foundation. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/reframing-blame-war-drugs 

Media Attributions

Baker, C. (November 4, 2015). State without stigma campaign [Photograph]. Flickr.

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction. (n.d.a). Module 1: The pain of stigma. https://www.ccsa.ca/overcoming-stigma-online-learning

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction. (n.d.b). Module 2: Insights on substance use. https://www.ccsa.ca/overcoming-stigma-online-learning

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction. (n.d.c) Module 3: Stigma ends with me. https://www.ccsa.ca/overcoming-stigma-online-learning

Canadian Centre on Substance Use & Addiction. (2019). Changing the stigmatizing language of addiction to support recovery [Video]. https://www.ccsa.ca/changing-stigmatizing-language-addiction-support-recovery

Maialisa. (November 29, 2016). Mental word collage [Photograph]. Wikimedia Commons.

Miroshnichenko, T. (October 21, 2020). Scattered letters on yellow surface [Photograph]. Pexels. https://www.pexels.com/photo/scattered-letters-on-yellow-surface-5662860/

Shatterproof. (February 9, 2021). Words matter | Shatterproof [Video]. YouTube.

Stonetree Harm Reduction. (n.d.). Nothing about us without us [Photograph]. Stonetree Harm Reduction. https://stonetreeaus.wordpress.com/gallery/#jp-carousel-1917 

TEDx Talks. (June 24, 2019). Shaming the sick: Substance use and stigma | Dr Carolyn Greer | TEDxFortWayne [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/eZ0CafocLsY

TEDx Talks. (December 3, 2019). Health & harm reduction: Rethinking conventional drug use & policyJeffrey Hom [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/7HP1a48MNFM

Cover Photo: Lewis, J. (January 7, 2023). No stigma [Image]. Canva.


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