
3.8 Chapter Summary

Key Summary Points

  1. The social determinants of health are complex, integrated and overlapping social structures that impact the way people grow, learn, play, and access care.
  2. There are two key categories of determinants: structural and intermediary.
  3. Upstream and downstream intervention are models that work directly with the SDoH.
  4. Primary prevention is an element of prevention that looks upstream to provide better access and social conditions for those who need it most.
  5. Social conditions vary across populations, meaning some populations are more at-risk than others of developing SUDs.
  6. Canada is beginning to consider changes to substance control policies, including implementing interventions that employ a SDoH framework.

Additional Resources

Below are a list of supplementary resources for students interested in learning more about the chapter topics. These resources are NOT required course materials. A list of required course materials, beyond those found throughout this chapter, are provided on the following page.

Additional Viewings

Durocher, J. (2022b). Social Determinants of Health [Video]. Yuja.
https://uwindsor.yuja.com/V/Video?v=524814&node=2152290&a=197802225&autoplay=1 (Click this link for the Word version of the References and Media Attributions for the video).

Additional Readings

Bharmal, N. K. Derose, M. Felician, & M. Weden. (May 2015). Understanding the upstream social determinants of health. WR-1096-RC. Rand Corporation. https://www.rand.org/pubs/working_papers/WR1096.html

Jardine, C. & Lines, L-A. (.2018). Chapter 12: Social and structural determinants of Indigenous health. In H. Exner-Pirot, B. Norbye & L. Butler (Eds.), Northern and Indigenous Health and Health Care. University of Saskatchewan. openpress.usask.ca/northernhealthcare

Kim, P. (2019). Social determinants of health inequalities in Indigenous Canadians through a life course approach to Colonialism and the Residential School System. Health Equity, 3(1), 373-381. http://doi.org/10.1089/heq.2019.0041

The Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada. (January 24, 2018). AFMC primer on population health. https://phprimer.afmc.ca/en/part-i/chapter-4/


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Psychoactive Substances & Society (2nd Edition) Copyright © 2024 by Jacqueline Lewis & Jillian Holland-Penney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.