2.7 Chapter Assignment
Assignment Formatting, Style, & Length Requirements
- Assignment formatting requirements: Arial 12-point font; 1-inch/2.54cm margins; single spaced; APA in-text citation style, reference section and cover page.
- Use proper paragraph style within the answer to each question.
- Clearly indicate which question is being answered using corresponding question numbers (do not write out the entire question). Follow-up questions must be answered as part of the numbered question. Avoid using automated numbering as it alters the left margin of the document, resulting in a margin larger than 1-inch/ 2.54cm.
- Assignment length: approximately 1000 words in length (give or take 100 words) (reference section and cover page not included in word count).
- Divide your time/space evenly across the two main questions.
- Proofread your submission to make sure it is clear, well written and intelligible.
Assignment Instructions
- Complete this chapter’s materials (chapter content, including all embedded links to readings and videos, and the required chapter materials).
- Read the media story Is salvia the next marijuana?
- Answer ALL the questions below.
- Answers to Question 2 must identify and discuss claims-maker(s), and claims-making activities (claims made, by whom, to whom, and possible explanations for those activities).
- In ALL your answers be sure to demonstrate knowledge of and engagement with the chapter materials. This is achieved through supporting points/arguments/positions via reference to the course material using in-text citations. Providing in-text citations to support your points/arguments/positions is essential and required. Be sure to use a diverse range of materials as opposed to relying heavily on a few sources. When relevant cite material from previous chapters. Any reference to or use of constructionist theory, including the use of theoretical concepts (e.g., claims, claims-makers, audience, typification, folk devil, etc.), must be properly sourced, as the theory and concepts are not common knowledge.
- Only use materials outside of those assigned when specifically instructed to do so. In this case, the Gresco (March 11, 2008) reading.
Assignment Questions
- How can constructionist theory be used to help understand the slant of the coverage in the story by Jessica Gresco (March 11, 2008). Is Salvia the Next Marijuana? MAPS. https://maps.org/news/media/is-salvia-the-next-marijuana/
- Who is/are the claims-maker(s)in the story?
- What claims are they making? How is the “problem” being typified? What claims-making activities are they engaged in?
- Who is the target audience? Why this audience?
- What cultural themes is/are the claims-maker(s) drawing on to win over audience members? Why the use of these claims?
- What explanation can you think of for this claims-making activity by this/these particular claims-maker(s) at the time the news story was written?