

Progression Requirements

At the beginning of each course, students will be informed regarding the specific requirements of that course and the way in which the learning will be evaluated.

The standard passing mark in each course including General Education Elective courses in the Personal Support Worker program is 60% (equivalent to a C grade or 2.0 grade points) for any theoretical course and a Pass in all Lab and Clinical and/or Community Placement courses.

For other non-nursing programs, the standard passing mark in each course is 50% (equivalent to a D grade or 1.0 grade points) unless otherwise stated. Certain courses require minimums greater than 50% and/or have mandatory components to achieve a passing grade.

Students are required to complete any pre-requisites before enrolling in a course. Failing a course with a co-requisite may require repeating both courses.

Students are expected to achieve, each academic term a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) of at least 2.0 to remain in Good Academic Standing. Students who do not achieve the minimum TGPA will be placed on either Conditional or Probationary Standing. Continued unsatisfactory academic performance may require the student to be placed on suspension or debarment.

Graduation Requirements

Students must pass all courses on the model route and any other program requirements, including experiential learning (e.g., co-operative education, field/clinical placements, etc.), in order to graduate.

Students must also achieve an overall program Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 to be eligible to graduate.

Students must have completed at least 25% of the program at Centennial College, excluding prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) and transfer credit (TCR).

Students must complete the requirements of the program in effect at the time of graduation unless the Dean or designate approves alternative arrangements in writing. This requirement includes any changes made to future semesters during the student’s studies but does not include changes in semesters that have already been completed unless required for the future semester courses.

Credit for Prior Learning

There are two ways to obtain Centennial College credit for prior learning:

  1. Transfer Credit – You may be granted transfer credit at Centennial for courses you have taken at an accredited postsecondary college or university.
  2. Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) – PLAR helps you demonstrate learning acquired through past study or work. You may obtain PLAR credit by going through a challenge process which may include an exam, interview, portfolio, or other mechanism.

You are encouraged to apply for any of these credits if you think you are eligible. The maximum number of credits allowed is 75% of your program credits.


Grading and Promotion in the PSW Program:

  1. The sequence of experience in the PSW Program promotion from course to course is governed by the prerequisites stated for individual courses. A prerequisite is a specific course/subject that you must complete before you can take another course.
  2. According to the model route,  students must pass PSHS 100, PSHS 101, PSHS 102, PSHS 103, PSHS 104, and PSHS 105 as they are considered prerequisites for promotion into clinical practice courses held in second semester. Also note that students must pass PSHS 125 (clinical practice course) as this is a prerequisite to start PSHS 126 (community practice course). 
  1. It is within a student’s right to drop a course, or courses; however, the student must meet with the Success Advisor (MyCa) to discuss this issue. Students must realize that registration back into the dropped course(s) in the following semester is dependent on space. There is no guarantee that the student will be able to register into the dropped course(s) in the following semester. 
  1. In order to complete the PSW Program Ontario College Certificate Program:
    1. a) a minimum “C” grade must be obtained in all theoretical courses (PSHS 100, PSHS 101, PSHS 102, PSHS 103, PSHS 104, PSHS 122, PSHS 123).
    2. b) a “P” (pass) grade must be obtained in both clinical practice and communitypractice courses (PSHS 125 and PSHS 126).
    3. c) a minimum “C” grade must be obtained in ONE (1) General Education (GNED).
    4. d) a minimum “C” grade must be obtained in English (COMM 160/161). 
  1. The PSW Program must be completed within a maximum of two (2) academic years from the time of initial enrolment in semester one (1).

Readmission Policy and Procedures 

A student requesting readmission to the PSW Program does not apply through OCAS.

He/she must apply internally at Centennial College using the “Readmit/Transfer” form.

The student must complete a “Readmit/Transfer” form and submit this form to the Centennial Success Advisor (MyCA) for the PSW Program.

A student who has been out of the program for two (2) semesters or more, for any reason, and wishes to return to the program must complete a ‘Readmit/Transfer’ and submit these documents to the Centennial Success Advisor (MyCA).

Readmission into the program is not guaranteed. Permission to re-enter the PSW Program may or may not be granted by the Readmissions Committee.

Readmitted students will be placed within the program on a case-by-case basis following review of the student’s academic history by the Readmissions Committee.

Criteria under which a student may return to the program includes, but is not limited to:

  • ❖ adequate space in the course/program
  • ❖ an interview with the Centennial Success Advisor (MyCA).

A returning student may be placed within the program on a case-by-case basis following review of the student’s academic history.

A student who has been out of the program for two years or more must return to semester one and must repeat all of the PSW courses again.

Completion time for Program Requirements

The Full-Time PSW Program should be completed within a maximum of two (2) academic years from the time of initial enrolment into the PSW Program. If more time is needed consultation with the Chair of Nursing is needed.


Students must successfully complete all program requirements in order to be eligible for graduation and may be required to complete said requirements prior to progressing from one level of their program to the subsequent level.

The student is responsible for knowing the requirements for graduation from his or her program of study. The following conditions must be met to graduate:

  • Student must have completed, at Centennial College, at least twenty-five percent of the courses for their credential, excluding Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) and Transfer Credit (TCR).
  • Students must successfully complete all courses in the program.
  • Students registered in a co-op must successfully complete all co-op requirements.
  • Students must complete the requirements of the program in effect at the time of graduation unless the Dean or designate approves alternative arrangements in writing. This requirement includes any changes made to future semesters during the student’s studies but does not include changes in semesters that have already been completed unless required for the future semester courses.

See the Experiential Learning Requirements section for information on work terms, field placements, clinical placements, or other required experiential learning components.

Course Requirements – Course Outlines

Course outlines specify relevant course learning outcomes to be achieved and assessments that measure achievement of that learning. Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and required learning resources (e.g., textbooks, equipment/materials). Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and learning resources. Course outlines clearly communicate expectations to learners concerning requirements for admission to the course (e.g.., pre- and co-requisites), successful completion of the course, and other course-specific policies and procedures. Ensure you review the course outlines for each of your courses to be aware of requirements and expectations.