

Experiential Learning “supports students in gaining hands-on learning that helps them transition to employment”[1]. Experiential Learning can take the form of co-operative education, degree work placement, clinical/field placement, fieldwork/simulation labs, capstone/applied research projects, and service learning.

The status of clinical/field placements and co-op work terms will be subject to public health directives and the reopening plan. Students may complete their placement requirements at sites that are permitted to open, either onsite, following appropriate health and safety protocols, or remotely. Students will be asked to read and sign a Student Informed Consent form in order to ensure that they understand their rights and the potential health and safety risks. Similarly, employers and/or placement hosts will be required to complete an Employer/Placement Health and Safety Site Checklist.

If workplaces are not permitted to open, placements and work terms may be completed remotely where feasible. In programs where placements or unpaid internships can not be facilitated through alternative/distance models, students will be allowed to complete these components at a later date.

Work Integrated Learning

Clinical Placement Requirements

All clinical placement requirements must be valid for your entire placement semester. Information on the clinical requirements for the PSW Program, and the instructions for submission of those requirements, can be found at: www.centennialcollege.ca/SCHSClinicalandfieldplacements

Detailed information regarding clinical placement requirements and the process for obtaining clearance to attend clinical can be found in this Student Handbook. All inquiries regarding placement requirements can be emailed to: placementrequirements@centennialcollege.ca. 

1. Vulnerable Persons Police Check (valid for one year)

Students living in the Metro Toronto Area:

Police checks can take up to 16 weeks due to extenuating circumstances.

Please apply early. The application process to complete the Metro Toronto Vulnerable Police Check has now moved online as per September 5, 2023.

*The Metro Toronto police vulnerable police check requires a unique code to complete the application process. Please reach out to placementrequirement@centennialcollege.ca to receive the unique code.

Link to an Online Application (students will need to create an account in order to request a VSS police check):


Fees for processing the VSS police check have changed. The new fee is $26.72 and payment can now be made electronically using Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard or American Express. Please make sure that you select the Unpaid Student Placement option. 

Please note, No Rush/Expedited service is available.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact placement requirements at placementrequirements@centennialcollege.ca

Students living in Durham Region: 

An original letter is required to have your police check done to receive the student/volunteer rate. Please email us at placementrequirements@centennialcollege.ca for a letter. Please include your full name, student number and program.

Students living in York Region:

Please visit the York Regional Police web site at www.yrp.ca and follow instructions on applying for a vulnerable police check.

Students living in Peel Region:

Please visit the Peel Regional Police office located at 7750 Hurontario Street, Brampton, ON. 

Students living in other areas:

Please contact your local police headquarters or detachment for instructions.

It is recommended that you address any concerns that you may have in the area of health forms or police checks immediately so that your education is not interrupted or delayed.

If your vulnerable person’s police check is positive, you are required to contact your respective Chair and arrange a meeting to discuss clearance for practice. Final decisions for proceeding with practice are conducted on a case-by-case discussion with the placement facility.

2. Standard First Aid (SFA) (valid for three years)

Students are required to obtain a current certificate of completion of an approved SFA course. Most SFA courses are included with CPR courses. Copies or certificates obtained through internet sources are not acceptable.

3. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (valid for one year)

All students are required to obtain CPR Health Care Provider (HCP) or BLS certification/recertification on a yearly basis. “HCP” focuses on emergency procedures for the adult, child, and infant. This includes choking emergencies, airway management, rescue breathing, CPR and 2 rescuer adult, child, and infant CPR. Copies or certificates obtained through internet sources are not acceptable.

To obtain your Standard First Aid and/or CPR – Level HCP (Health Care Provider) or Basic Life Support (BLS), please refer to these web sites.

4. Respiratory Mask Fit Test (valid for two years)

Mask fit testing will be done at Centennial College throughout the year. All mask fit testing will be performed by a trained technician in our Health Studies Lab – Room 258.  All students who require mask fitting will have to book their own appointment through my.Centennial normally during the semester prior to their first placement.  An N95 Respirator Health Questionnaire must be completed prior to your mask fit test. It is advised that appointments are made sooner than later as appointment times can fill up quickly.

Students can book their mask fit appointments through myCentennial by clicking on the “Student” then “Student Services” tab, scroll down to “School of Community and Health Studies Success Advisor Booking,” click on schedules (at the top, next to your name) and the Mask Fit Option is the 4th option. Please contact placementrequirements@centennialcollege for assistance if needed.

If you have answered yes to any of the questions on the questionnaire, please book an appointment to see your family physician one week prior to your scheduled appointment. 

  1. Q. What If you miss your mask fit testing appointment?
  2. Due to the large number of students requiring mask fitting, we are obliged to centrally schedule your mask fit appointment. All students are expected to organize their schedules and activities to respect their assigned appointment time. If you miss       your appointment, you will be charged a $30.00 fee to rebook your appointment. Only for documented medical or other critical reasons will this fee be waived, and only at the discretion of the Clinical Placement Administrative Officer.

5. Immunization Review Form

In order to comply with the Public Hospitals, Act and to meet placement setting requirements, an Immunization Review Form must be submitted. This process is necessary to ensure that those working within health care facilities are free from or are protected against communicable and infectious diseases. This form is to be filled out by a health care provider e.g., a Physician, Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, or walk-in clinic and will take 4 to 6 weeks to complete. These forms will be reviewed through your Synergy Gateway Inc. account.

* Important: You will receive an email from Synergy Gateway Inc. regarding your login and account information through your myCentennial email address. Once reviewed, the nurse will advise you if you have met all the requirements, or if you will need to submit additional information.  Any student inquiries regarding the Clinical Pre-Placement Health Form are to be directed to Synergy Gateway Inc. You are encouraged to start the process of your Clinical Pre-Placement Health Form as early as possible.

6. Yearly TB Surveillance

You are required to have a two-step testing for your first placement. Please refer to your health form for more detailed information.

However, if you have had a two-step testing, before it will be accepted, the following will need to be done:

  • If your previous Mantoux testing was negative, one Mantoux test is required yearly.
  • If your last Mantoux test was positive, another test does not have to be done. A physical examination must be completed yearly and a written note from your physician is required stating there are no signs or symptoms of TB and that you are okay for placement.

7. Influenza Immunization

Influenza immunization is mandatory. In the event of an outbreak at your placement, any student without the vaccination may be denied access to the facility jeopardizing successful completion of practice. You will be expected to provide proof of having received an annual flu shot.

8. COVID 19 Vaccine:

Please see below regarding the COVID vaccination information.

Please note: As recommended by the National Advisory Commission on Immunization (NACI) in an update published 28 September 2021, COVID-19 vaccines may be given at the same as, or any time before or after, other vaccines, including live, non-live, adjuvanted or unadjuvanted vaccines and TB testing.

Vaccines are developed to protect our communities, especially the most vulnerable such as LTC residents and patients. Once developed, a vaccine goes through rigorous scientific reviews for safety and efficacy before it  is approved by Health Canada. Understanding that nursing students are an integral part of the healthcare system and are entrusted to provide safe care, we very strongly recommend that all students in the Nursing Program be vaccinated for COVID-19 prior to commencing a clinical experience. Students who choose not to vaccinate without a legitimate reason risk putting themselves and their care recipients in an unnecessary danger of contracting COVID-19. It is the placement agency’s discretion to pause or cancel a student placement based on agency policies and protocols, which may risk a delay to the program of study in the case a student is unable to attend their clinical placements due to contracting COVID-19 or when the clinical agency requires learner vaccination.

The COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory as of September 7th, 2021, as it is a requirement of placement sites. The Government of Ontario issued a directive mandating hospitals, home and community care service providers as well as some private businesses to have a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy.

For more information about COVID-19 and vaccination, we encourage all students to review the following resources for additional information:

–                 19 to Zero

–                 Public Health Ontario

Student Placement Checklist and Important Dates for Submission

The student’s Synergy Gateway Inc. account indicates if you have met all of the placement requirements to attend your clinical/field practice. The student’s Synergy Gateway Inc. account is updated once the student has completed and submits electronic copies of their original documentation/certificates that are required to attend practice.

If a student fails to submit documents and be cleared by Synergy Gateway Inc., but attends clinical, they will be pulled from the clinical placement and not be allowed to return which will result in a ‘Fail’ grade.

*Please refer to your Placement package that was included in your Welcome package to review when your placement requirements are due. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out placementrequirements@centennialcollege.ca

Submission of Your Clinical Documents  

This notification serves to inform you of the process of submitting your clinical documents (Immunization, Vulnerable Sector Police Check, CPR Level HCP, Standard First Aid, and Mask Fit) for placement.

Your completed electronic documents/certificates will be reviewed virtually and processed online by Synergy Gateway Inc., which is for Health Record Clearance and Management Services for Clinical Pre-Placement.

  • You will receive log-in and account information from Synergy Gateway Inc. to your my.Centennial account
  • You will need to follow the instructions stated in the email to create and setup your account.
  • Your personal information will be protected. No one from Centennial College will have access or be able to view your documentation. All information is shared between you and Synergy Gateway Inc. only.

Cost Factor: You are required to pay a fee to have your documents processed. Please see fee structure below: (rates subject to change).

Description Cost
Initial Visit Per Year Per Program for Clearance Review $50.50 plus tax*
Subsequent/Follow-Up Visit Per Year Per Program $10.00 plus tax*
Cancelled/Missed Student Appointments $50.50 plus tax*

*Prices subject to change. Please refer to the Clinical Placement Requirements Handbook for more detailed information.

Attendance is compulsory(required) for all scheduled in-class and laboratory evaluations.  

The status of clinical/field placements and co-op work terms will be subject to public health directives and the reopening plan. Students may complete their placement requirements at sites that are permitted to open, either onsite, following appropriate health and safety protocols, or remotely. Students will be asked to read and sign a Student Informed Consent form in order to ensure that they understand their rights and the potential health and safety risks. Similarly, employers and/or placement hosts will be required to complete an Employer/Placement Health and Safety Site Checklist.

If workplaces are not permitted to open, placements and work terms may be completed remotely where feasible. In programs where placements or unpaid internships can not be facilitated through alternative/distance models, students will be allowed to complete these components at a later date.

  1. Ministry of Colleges and Universities. (2020). Graduate and Employer KPI Surveys 2020-2021 Cycle Operating Procedures.