Program Structure
The Curriculum for this program has been carefully mapped between the first and second semester to assist in your learning. Semester one is for building a foundational base upon which you will add to it in your second semester through scaffolding. Scaffolding is a term that means your learning is supported – one step, one course, and one semester at a time!
Benefits of the Program
Your program has several key components that include:
· Program vocational learning outcomes
· Essential Employability Skills outcomes 1
· General Education (GNED) or Liberal Studies course(s)2
· English communication (COMM) courses 3
1. Essential Employability Skills Outcomes are not included in Degree programs
2. General Education/Liberal Studies courses may not be included in Graduate Certificate programs
3. English communication courses may not be included in Graduate Certificate programs
Program Vocational Learning Outcomes
The program vocational learning outcomes for this program are:
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
1. work within the personal support worker role in various care settings in accordance with all applicable legislation, standards, employer job descriptions, policies, procedures and guidelines.
2. practice professionally, and be accountable for one’s own actions by applying problem-solving, self-awareness, time management and critical thinking to the provision of care as a personal support worker, whether working independently or as a member of a team.
3. practice as an engaged member of the interprofessional team to maintain collaborative working relationships for the provision of supportive, safe, responsive and competent client-centred care within care settings.
4. provide person-centred care, based on ethical principles, sensitive to diverse personal and family values, beliefs, cultural practices and other needs, which follows the plan of care.
5. establish and maintain therapeutic relationships with clients and their families using effective communication skills to build a genuine, trusting, and respectful partnership, in accordance with professional boundaries, employer policies, confidentiality, and privacy legislation.
6. identify relevant client information within the roles and responsibilities of the personal support worker using observation, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to report and document findings.
7. create, promote and maintain a safe and comfortable environment for clients, their families, self and others by implementing current infection prevention and control measures, emergency and first aid procedures, and best practices in pandemic planning that are in keeping with the plan of care, all applicable legislation, and employer policies and procedures.
8. assist clients across the lifespan with activities of daily living by applying fundamental knowledge of growth and development, psychological concepts, common alterations in functioning, health promotion, disease prevention, rehabilitation and restorative care, and holistic health care.
9. assist the client with medication following the client’s plan of care, and if a delegated act, under the supervision of a regulated health professional or done by exception under the most accountable person and in accordance with all applicable legislation and employer policies.
10.assist with household management services and instrumental activities of daily living in accordance with the plan of care and considering the preferences, comfort, safety and autonomy of clients, families and significant others.
11.assist and support clients who are caregivers, considering individual and family choices, professional boundaries and the direction of the plan of care.
12. identify, respond to and report potential, alleged, suspected or witnessed situations of abuse, and/or neglect, as required by all applicable legislation, including the Retirement Homes Act, 2010 and the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, and as required within the employers’ job description for the personal support workers.
13.assist with the provision of holistic health care and advocacy for culturally safe and spiritually sensitive palliative and end-of-life care to clients and to their families and significant others from diagnosis through to death and bereavement, and in accordance with clients’ choices and the plan of care.
14.provide client-centered and client-directed care to individuals experiencing various mental health illness and challenges, cognitive and intellectual impairments, and/or responsive behaviours by using supportive approaches and evidence-based practices to promote positive and safe behaviours in clients*.
Essential Employability Skills Outcomes
Essential Employable Skills (EES) are skills that, regardless of a student’s program or discipline, are critical for success in the workplace, in day-to-day living, and for lifelong learning. Each course in the program addresses two to four EES outcomes. As a graduate of this program, you will reliably demonstrate the ability to:
Your program curriculum is designed to ensure graduates acquire the essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes appropriate and relevant to both the needs of students and employers.
Global Citizenship and Equity Learning Outcomes
There are six Global Citizenship and Equity (GCE) learning outcomes integrated into Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs as a component of Centennial’s Signature Learning Experience (SLE). The SLE reflects the College’s promise to provide students with a distinctive and inclusive educational experience that builds on a foundation of global citizenship, equity, and social justice. Certificate and Graduate Certificates also include at least two GCE learning outcomes. The GCE learning outcomes are:
- Identify one’s role and responsibilities as a global citizen in personal and professional life.
- Identify beliefs, values and behaviours that form individual and community identities and the basis for respectful relationships.
- Analyze issues of equity at the personal, professional, and global level.
- Analyze the use of the world’s resources to achieve sustainability and equitable distribution at the personal, professional, and global level.
- Identify and challenge unjust practices in local and global systems.
- Support personal and social responsibility initiatives at the local, national, and global level.
Global Citizenship and Equity Portfolio
As a component of the SLE, Diploma and Advanced Diploma program students will complete the Global Citizenship and Equity (GCE) Portfolio. Building the GCE Portfolio is a process of documenting your GCE learning. Each item selected for inclusion in the portfolio demonstrates growth and understanding of Global Citizenship and Equity within your program of study.

Students are encouraged to develop their GCE Portfolio beginning in their first semester. You will add artifacts from coursework and accompanying reflections as well as artifacts arising from co-curricular activities, volunteering, etc. to your portfolio as you progress through the program. You are encouraged to use the ePortfolio tools available on eCentennial, as well as to develop an online professional portfolio presence through LinkedIn and/or other personal websites/blogs.
Curriculum Frameworks
The program focuses on the facilitation of an inclusive transformational learning environment that meets personal, professional, ethical and societal expectations. We educate learners to become responsible, global citizens to meet the demands of current health care trends in a diverse society. The program’s philosophy is based on the five pillars of quality teaching & learning, curriculum, professional development and professional practice.