Excited student at laptop

Course Assessments

All credit courses have a formal method of evaluation and assessment. Your course outlines will communicate the evaluation scheme for each course, identifying assessment methods (assignments, projects, tests, etc.) that contribute to the final grade. Assessments are designed to evaluate the level at which you demonstrate the established course learning outcomes.

Review of Tests 

The following are program policies for test review:

  • test review will occur within two weeks following the release of the test mark.
  • review of term tests will not occur during scheduled class time.
  • review of tests will not occur on a “drop-in” basis.
  • electronic devices, pens, pencils and paper are not permitted in test review sessions.
  • students may review each test only once during the semester.
  • students who are absent for a scheduled test review must submit a written request via email to the professor to make arrangements to review the test.

*The procedure for reviewing term tests is at the discretion of the professor.

Missed Tests

When a student is unable to be present for a test, the student must contact the professor via email prior to the test via email or phone prior to the test. If a student needs medical accommodation, he/she must contact Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services (CALCS).

Failure on the part of the student to do the following will result in a grade of zero for that evaluative method:

  • Notify the professor via email in advance of the scheduled test or mutually agreed upon make-up test.

Arrangements for missed tests for eligible students will be communicated in writing.  Students are responsible for contacting the professor regarding the missed test. The missed test will be scheduled by the professor and may be any time between 0700 hours and 2100 hours on any day between Monday and Friday.

*The format for any missed test (i.e. short answer and/or multiple choice and/or case study) is up to the discretion of the course professor.  The format for the missed test will be communicated with the student prior to the scheduled date of the missed test and is up to the discretion of the course professor. Students who miss a test are not permitted to attend class during any in class discussions of test results.

Failure to adhere to the above criteria will result in a grade of zero for the test that was missed. As this is viewed as academic dishonesty and will be sanctioned with the penalties outlined in the Academic Dishonesty College policy. At the professor’s discretion, any student arriving late for a test may not be admitted and if admitted, will not be allowed additional time. If writing a test in class, students arriving after other students have exited the classroom will not be allowed to take the test at that time. Records of absence from tests will be kept in the student files.

Students are not permitted to leave an evaluative method before the completion time of the test and must notify their teacher immediately of any technical difficulties. Test times may be fixed. If entering late to the test, no extra time is given and you will have to finish the test in the time allotted. Accommodation needs if documented can be supported.

Missed in-class assignments and performance tests

When a student is unable to be present for an in-class assignment or performance test, the student must contact the professor via email or telephone in advance. If a student needs medical accommodation, he/she must contact Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services (CALCS)

Failure on the part of the student to do the following may result in a grade of zero for that evaluative method:

  • Notify the professor in advance of the scheduled in-class assignment or performance test.
  • Rescheduling of the in-class assignment or performance test is at the professor’s discretion.

Grading Scheme

The standard grading scheme for most courses is a letter grade ranging from A to F with each letter representing the equivalent percentage grade achieved in the course. Some courses have a Pass/Fail grading scheme. For these courses, a Pass does not impact your GPA but a Fail will. There are also other special grades that can be used for specific purposes.

Grading Scheme
Letter Grade Grade Description Numerical Equivalent Grade Point
A+ Outstanding 90-100% 4.5
A Excellent 80-89% 4.0
B+ Very good 75-79% 3.5
B Good 70-74% 3.0
C+ Satisfactory 65-69% 2.5
C Satisfactory 60-64% 2.0
D+ Minimal* 55-59% 1.5
D* Minimal* 50-54% 1.0
F Failure** 0-49% 0
FNA Failure non-attendance
P Pass**
I Incomplete
AEG Aegrotat standing
AUD Audit status
CIP Course in progress
TCR Transfer credit
NGR No grade required
*In courses in some programs, these grades may not be considered a passing grade, and a higher passing grade may be required. The minimum required GPA for graduation is 2.0 and may be higher for some programs.

**May be used in a course where a percentage grade is inappropriate.


Centennial is committed to providing the best possible education for all of our students. This includes meeting the needs of students who may require adjustments or accommodations to equalize their opportunities to meet the essential requirements of achieving the learning outcomes in a course or program.

Grade Appeals

You may appeal a grade received in a course only on one of the following grounds:
  • A clerical error has resulted in a miscalculation of the grade.
  • The grade awarded did not fairly reflect your academic performance and/or the stated requirements for the course.
Grade appeals cannot be based on a complaint that the nature and standard of evaluation was too onerous. i.e., you cannot claim that your professor marked too hard or that the assignment/test was too difficult. Follow the procedures for appeal in the Grade Appeals Policy and Procedures. Grade appeals must be made within ten (10) business days of the release of the grade.
Read the What You Need to Know About Appealing Your Grade tip sheet.




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