3 Sustainable Transportation
That’s pretty obvious, right? That’s why this is the opening, fundamental module of the program. In it you will get help figuring things out in the areas of motivation and engagement, awareness of yourself, academic balance, and academic struggles.
Topic Overview
The negative impacts of traditional transportation methods contribute to the degradation of air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, increased threat of global climate change, degradation of water resources, noise and habitat loss plus fragmentation. Elsevier, (2008) considers that a sustainable means of transportation is one that considers our future as much as our present. Transportation uses huge amounts of energy and burns most of the planet’s petroleum. An environmentally friendly transportation method is one that has a low impact on the environment. Elsevier (2008) states that some countries have put systems and infrastructures in place to tackle the issues mentioned before. In Oslo, London and Amsterdam the city’s metro, trams and buses already run largely on hydroelectricity (theCivilEngineer.org 2021). Other initiatives include city wide bike share programs to reduce fuel consumption and provide cost effective transport. Furthermore, car manufacturers are planning to commit 225 billion to electrification in the coming years. According to Levin, (2020), recently Google Maps has added a new element to their applications which will help travelers find the most eco-friendly route. Benveniste (2021) states that sustainable transportation connects with Sustainable Development in that it will help reduce pollution caused by transportation, since the air quality, and general health of people will improve.
Innovators and Ideas
The article “How to get more women cycling in cities’ ‘ (Lamm, 2019) discusses creating spaces and resources that encourage more women to cycle. Lamm (2019) also suggests that cities should invest in protected bike lanes, more secure bike parking and all other infrastructure to motivate those who do not yet ride. Lamm (2019) suggests more social events like mentor systems and maintenance classes that enable women to try cycling in a relaxed environment. Women’s safety and perceptions is another focus in the article. Large amount of data proves people do not feel “cycling is not for people like them’’. More diverse and inclusive imagery of cyclists could help challenge these perceptions and make more people feel that cycling is for everyone. According to Lamm (2019) for example, We bike NYC provides a safe space for women, trans and gender non confirming people in New York City to cycle by offering events and workshops. Changes to infrastructure and mindset will contribute to shaping our cities, challenging gender bias, and improving public health. It will also reduce carbon footprints and make cities more livable.
Organizational Profile
There are several organizations that are working towards sustainable transportation. To name a few in the Greater Toronto Area, there is PointA and Cycleto. According to a Google search, there are a number of organizations focused on sustainable transportation within the province of Ontario. These organizations include: Ontario Public Transit, Healthy Transportation Coalition, Commute Ontario, Cooney Transportation Options, the IRU, and the UN Global Compact.
PointA appeals to us because of its proximity to the Toronto Metropolitan Area and the initiatives it runs to reduce carbon emissions through ride sharing, which also fosters community building. Since we commute within Toronto regularly, we were intrigued by this organization. Furthermore, we found the ride-sharing model appealing because it fosters community connections, strengthening social capital in the GTA through ride-sharing and preserving the environment at the same time. According to PointA.com, PointA offers a variety of services to companies to assist their employees in commuting to work in a sustainable manner. There are different campaigns, activities, and programs that PointA offers to fulfill their mission. The company manages the setup, customer service and contracts for shared shuttle services between transit stations and workplaces. Lastly, Point A’s website indicates that they hold annual campaigns and events geared toward sustainable transportation throughout the year.
In conclusion, environmentally friendly transportation methods are those which have a low impact on the environment. Many countries have taken measures to address environmental problems through processes and infrastructure, which can be shown in cities such as Oslo, London and Amsterdam. Many authors have utilized the internet as an avenue to discuss ways to encourage more sustainable transportation. This can be seen from the article analyzed by Lamm (2019) which details the benefits of cycling, and provides education to the public. Furthermore, organizations throughout the world are working to build a more sustainable transportation system to reduce congestion, as well as to improve air quality and the overall health of citizens. An example can be seen in the efforts being made by the organization, PointA, to build a more sustainable transportation system in the Greater Toronto Area. Fortunately, the world is moving towards a sustainable transportation system, and more and more people are becoming aware of its benefits, which bodes well for the future.
A. Benveniste, (2021, October 6). Google Maps will now help travelers find the most eco-friendly route. CNN. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/06/tech/google-maps-flights-sustainability/index.html
B.V. Elsevier (2008, June 25) Exploring impacts of transportation on Environment: A social approach. P270-288
European cities lead the way to sustainability. (2017, May 10). thecivilengineer.org. European cities lead the way to sustainable transport
Home. pointA. (2021, April 26). Retrieved December 09, 2021, from https://pointa.ca/.
T. Levin, (2020, January 28). Electric Cars: What to Expect Between 2020 and 2030. Business Insider. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from https://www.businessinsider.com/promises-carmakers-have-made-about-their-future-electric-vehicles-2020-1
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, December 13). Sustainable transport. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 05:00, December 13, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sustainable_transport&oldid=106003903