Video Transcripts

2.1 How Agencies are Meeting Needs

City of London – Dearness Home Adult Day Program and Wellness Centre – London, Ontario

[Video Title Card]: City of London – Dearness Home Adult Day Program and Wellness Centre – London, Ontario. Presented by its staff and volunteers. South West Community Care Access Center (CCAC) and

[Voiceover]: Welcome to the Dearness Adult Day Program and Wellness Center, located in our modern facility at 710 Southdale Road in London. Our program gives caregivers a break while enriching the lives of our clients with fun and friendship.

[Hans – Caregiver]: “Well, I would highly recommend it. Well, they come and pick her up in the morning and bring her back in the afternoon, so that gives me some free time to do different things.”

[Voiceover]: Caregivers can relax knowing their loved one is in the safe and accepting environment of the Dearness Adult Day Program. While with us, clients will be involved in failure-free activities such as exercise baking, crafts, horticulture, music therapy, aromatherapy, bingo, games and art therapy. Our qualified staff assists with spa baths, foot care, health monitoring, toileting, and medication supervision. The program also includes healthy snacks and a tasty and nutritious three-course lunch.

[Jennie – client]: “Well, I think it’s good because it keeps you active. As you get older, you feel kind of isolated, and, this is, I think, it’s a great program because you meet a lot of friends.”

[Voiceover]: Find out what a difference a client-centered day program can make for your loved one and you.  Call and arrange a visit to the Dearness Adult Day Program.


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Program-Planning in Recreation Copyright © 2024 by Allison Menegoni, MA-Ed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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